
12 essential beauty products every pregnant woman needs.

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Being pregnant is a magical experience that along with, you know, a baby, presents you with a myriad of body changes. Some of them are amazing (hello new boobs) and some are not so good (breakouts, anyone?)

Unfortunately you don’t get to pick and choose which pregnancy ups and downs you experience but luckily there are plenty of beauty and health products for expectant mums to help you ride the wave. These are some of our favourites.

The Essential Beauty and Health Items for Pregnant Women.

Related: “Today I tried ‘plopping’. And it did very good things for my hair.”

Given that you’re busy growing another human, it’s only fair you should treat yourself to a whole new cabinet of beauty goodies to combat your new circumstances. (Post continues after gallery.)

Related: The 5 pregnancy side effects nobody tells you about. 

7 surprising beauty products you should avoid during pregnancy

Now go on, you know what you need to do. Put down the baby catalogue for a minute, get out there and treat yo’ self.

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