
7 amazing things Eddie Perfect said when we met him.



Look, let’s be honest.

We may or may not have accidentally developed feelings for Eddie Perfect.

We love him as Mick on Offspring, obviously. He’s the love of Billy Proudman’s life and he sings like a gruff angel.

But in real life? Sitting across the table from him at a pub? Having a beer at about 11.45am?

We loved him even more. He sat down with Mamamia to talk about his failed sex scenes, his real life kids, and that time he nearly had to put yoghurt on his co-star’s vagina….


1. He met Kat Stewart on the set of Blue Heelers 12 years ago. 

“We actually did an episode of Blue Healers together back in the day in my first year out of drama school, so 2002.  She played my lawyer, and I played a law student who inexplicably dealt heroin.

“She’s lovely and smart and interesting. She’s funny and witty and polite and laidback and awesome and polite. So it’s really amazing to see her flip the switch into crazy land [to play Billy]. I give her shit that she plays the one character, it’s just variations on the bogan with a heart of gold.”


2. Billy’s “You’re the love of my life” moment was an accident.

“We had decided that she would only do that scene a few times so we could to keep it real, so she kind of wanted to walk into the pub, see Mick, feel the feels, do the dialogue and have that shot and really go there and not wear it out.

If you do it multiple times it starts to get a little tired so I had to do my lines and reactions without her and they would point out places where she was supposed to be. There was like 50 extras in this pub and there happened to be this blonde skater dude where Billy was meant to be so in the first take. So I just had to look at him and say “What are you doing here?” This guy is sort of just standing there, cause he didn’t know that was going to happen and the cameras are rolling so I just jumped on him and kissed him, and it was kind of weird, but you have to go there to get the take. So all that happened before Kat even walked in.”


3. There’s a reason Billy and Mick don’t do many sex scenes.

“Kat [Stewart, who plays Billy] and I fucked up this sex scene right in the beginning in the pilot so they never tried to make us have sex ever again. So it’s great!

All the smouldering, shirts off, bed time stuff has been left to the other couples in the show like Asher Keddie and Matt Le-Nevez. We just got left alone to be idiots so it was great!

We did have this one scene though where we were about to have sex and I’d been cooking something with chilli and we start getting touchy and billy gets chilli, um, downstairs. I’m supposed to run and get some yogurt out of the fridge to you know…calm that.

So in the script it says Mick jumps out of bed, Billy’s screaming and Mick runs to the fridge, grabs the yogurt and that’s meant to be it but the director wondered what would happen if she didn’t yell ‘cut’…and so I get the yogurt out and I’m waiting for her to yell cut and she didn’t so I put the yogurt in my hand and I’m approaching Kat, and Kat yells “You are not putting that on my vagina!” and then she yelled cut. I thought I was just going to have to do it.”


4. Filming Patrick’s death was really weird.

“Patrick dying was a massively guarded secret. Usually scripts are emailed around to all of us, so I was wondering where my last script was. For the last two episodes of that season, the scripts came in a sealed envelope that said like ‘highly confidential’. But before we got that, I was on set in a caravan with Kat [Stewart] and she whispered “Patrick dies!” and I was like “NO FUCKING WAY!”

Matt [Le-Nevez] knew about his character dying for ages but had to keep it a secret.

We shot the funeral scene and it was all very emotional and then we look over and there’s Matt standing by the tea machine getting a tea you know… It was a weird experience.”


5. He’s a pretty normal, lovely dad.

“I’m married and have two kids, and I drop the kids off at day care and I’m doing what I’m doing. I pick them up; put them in the bath, read them stories and then they go to bed. It’s very normal for me. When I get home I’m stuck in my house because…kids. I’m not going out nightclubbing or anything like that.”


6. He won his wife’s heart over email.

“This is a horribly unromantic story. We [Lucy and I] met on the dance floor of a nightclub and nothing happened. We hung out and talked for like three hours, and then she gave me her business card and I was on tour, and we started emailing. So our whole courtship was via email. Spending all day trying to compose what seemed like a spontaneous and witty emails that had picture of horses and random facts trying to be all hilarious and smart.

We still have the emails. They’re pretty embarrassing. For both of us.”


7. Eddie Perfect is his real name.

“It’s my actual name. People come up and ask me if “Eddie Perfect” is a stage name and I say no, its my real name. My parents are The Perfects and my sisters are Perfects.

I’ve had performers that I’ve known for five years thinking it’s a stage name I made up. I just think how could you be friends with someone that pretentious to change their stage name to perfect! If I really was going to change my name, I wouldn’t have stopped at perfect. I would have picked ‘fucking brilliant’.”

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Top Comments

lisofby 10 years ago

"eddie fucking brilliant."
love it.
love him.
love offspring.
he is hot!

countrymum 10 years ago

Love Eddie. Love Kat Stewart. Love Offspring. Thanks for the Interview.