
What you need to know about COVID-19 today, Friday March 27.

Potential ‘patient zero’ of coronavirus identified.

A 57-year-old woman who worked at Wuhan’s Huanan market appears to be one of the first people who tested positive to COVID-19, and could provide valuable information about how the virus began, and how it spread.

According to The Wall Street Journal, the woman sold live shrimps at the market, and first started to feel unwell on December 10.

She is the first person from the Wuhan market who tested positive, and it’s believed the market is where the virus originally jumped from animal to human.

Speaking to Chinese news publication The Paper, she said she thought it was the flu. “I felt a bit tired, but not as tired as previous years,” she said.

Just over a week later, she was in hospital, barely conscious.

A doctor in one of Wuhan’s biggest hospitals described her illness as “ruthless,” and noted that he had seen a number of people present with similar symptoms. She later tested positive to COVID-19.

The woman recovered in early January, and says she thinks she may have contracted the virus via the shared toilet at the seafood market. People working at stalls on either side of her also contracted the virus.

G20 nations pledge $7.5 trillion to kickstart the global economy.

Australia and other G20 nations have struck a deal to co-ordinate efforts to tackle the coronavirus pandemic, as they collectively pledged $A7.5 trillion to kickstart the global economy.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison joined US President Donald Trump and other members of the G20 through a video link-up overnight, which you can see in the image above.

There were an extraordinary 52 people all on the one call.

The virtual summit was called by Saudi Arabia, which is chairing the forum this year.

In a communique issued after the meeting, Morrison and other leaders described the pandemic as "a powerful reminder of our interconnectedness and vulnerabilities".

"This virus respects no borders," they said.

"Combating this pandemic calls for a transparent, robust, coordinated, large-scale and science-based global response in a spirit of solidarity."

WATCH: This is what the situation is like in the US right now. Post continues after video.

G20 finance, health and trade ministers are set to meet in coming weeks to develop specific action plans to deal with the economic and health impacts.

China agreed to increase its supply of pharmaceutical ingredients and other supplies to the international market, in a move that will ease shortages in many countries.

UN secretary-general Antonio Guterres told the leaders they needed a war-time plan.

"It took the world three months to reach 100,000 confirmed cases of infection," he said.

"The next 100,000 happened in just 12 days. The third took four days. The fourth, just one and a half.

"This is exponential growth and only the tip of the iceberg."

Rent relief could be coming this morning.

A freeze on evictions and tax relief for landlords could be on the cards as the National Cabinet sits this morning.

Labor has called for a freeze on all evictions during Australia's coronavirus shutdown.

There are concerns if people are kicked onto the street it will not only impact on the lives of families but make containment of the virus much more difficult.

It has been reported the government is considering income tax cuts for landlords who reduce tenants' rent.

Banks have already offered freezes on mortgage repayments, while energy companies are being urged to show compassion on unpaid bills, with Australians facing unemployment due to businesses closing.

Some landlords are offering discounts on rent to tenants under financial pressure.

Retail mogul Solomon Lew stood down 9000 staff, as he declared his businesses would not be paying rent on commercial premises.

The billionaire holds a 43 per cent stake in Premier Investments, which runs outlets including Smiggle, Just Jeans and Peter Alexander.

Premier Investments said it was shutting all of its stores down for a month, saying it was the "right decision" for its employees and the country.

Tasmania agreed on a 120-day evictions moratorium to help struggling renters.

Woolies has 20,000 jobs on offer.

As tens of thousands of Australians are put out of work from coronavirus lockdown restrictions, Woolworths is hiring.

The supermarket giant says it will be specifically looking to hire people hit by the recent mass layoffs, including people from the hospitality sector, the travel sector and retail sector, reports The West.

The 20,000 jobs on offer will be shorter contracts and will include things like stacking shelves, working the checkout and helping at distribution centres.

Health workers undergoing vaccine trial.

In an effort to protect frontline health workers from coronavirus, researchers are turning to a vaccine unused in Australia since the 1980s.

Murdoch Children's Research Institute will join a global trial using the tuberculosis vaccine to counter the symptoms of coronavirus.

The six-month trial will involve 4000 healthcare workers in Australia.

Half of the workers will not be given the vaccine with researchers hoping to get some sign of its effectiveness in three months.

Lead researcher Nigel Curtis said besides combating tuberculosis, the vaccine boosts the body's immune system, reducing the symptoms of coronavirus.

Similar trials are starting in the Netherlands, Germany and the UK, but the Australian trial will be one of the largest.

Unlike the northern hemisphere, Australia will be facing coronavirus into winter's flu season, which would provide more data for researchers.

First fines handed out in NSW.

A woman who breached quarantine regulations after returning from Bali, is one of five people in NSW who have been handed infringement notices for flouting coronavirus public health orders.

From yesterday, police had the power to hand out fines of $1000 to individuals and $5000 to businesses that breach public health orders or ministerial directions.

The 65-year-old woman returned to Sydney from Bali on Saturday and was told she was subject to a public health order and was required to quarantine for 14 days.

Police received information she has contravened the public health order and on Monday visited her home in Redhead, south of Newcastle, and issued her with a warning for breaching the order.

Officers received further information she had left her home on Thursday morning and was in breach of the order.

About 1.45pm yesterday officers returned to the woman's home and issued her with a $1000 penalty infringement notice.

A massage parlour on Sussex St in Sydney's CBD was identified on Thursday as still operating, in contravention of a public health order.

The female owner of the business was issued with a $5000 penalty infringement notice.

Three female staff members were also given $1000 notices.

"No one is above the law. If you decide to ignore a direction, you will be caught, and you may very well find yourself slapped with a hefty fine," Minister for Police and Emergency Services David Elliott said in a statement yesterday.

"The fact that people are still not complying is the reason why we have police out in full force enforcing these directions.

"This behaviour is not only reckless and stupid, but potentially deadly."

Two kids diagnosed with COVID-19 in Tasmania.

Two children are among the latest five coronavirus cases in Tasmania, with the state's tally reaching 47.

All the new cases were passengers aboard the Ovation of the Seas cruise ship, which docked in Sydney last week.

One person is aged in their 70s, with the other two in their 30s.

The state is yet to record evidence of community virus transmission and has taken further measures to reduce unnecessary socialising.

All national parks and reserves have been closed indefinitely.

Number of worldwide infections has reached 500,000.

More than 520,000 people have coronavirus worldwide, with the death toll surpassing 23,000.

In Italy, the worst hit country in the world - 8200 people are dead.

4100 have died in Spain, and there have been 1000 fatalities in the US, with 400 of those in New York City where hospitals are being swamped with patients.

Australia has recorded 13 deaths and more than 2,800 cases.

The current COVID-19 figures.

The latest death was of a Perth man in his 70s, who was a passenger on the Celebrity Solstice cruise ship. It was the second WA fatality.

Seven people have died in NSW, one in Queensland, and three in Victoria.

Feature image: Getty. 

-With AAP

What you need to know about COVID-19 today, Thursday March 26.

To protect yourself and the community from COVID-19, keep at least 1.5 metres away from other people, regularly wash your hands and avoid touching your face.

If you are sick and believe you have symptoms of COVID-19, call your GP ahead of time to book an appointment. Or call the national Coronavirus Health Information Line for advice on 1800 020 080. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 000.

To keep up to date with the latest information, please visit the Department of Health website.

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