
A tragic ending after a mother and four-day old go missing from a maternity ward.



Warning: This post deals with the death of an infant and may be distressing for some readers.






It has been the case gripping a nation.

A new mother abruptly leaves a maternity ward with her four-day old.

Her sudden departure sparking widespread concern for her family and police.

Tragically it has ended in heartbreak.

The woman, Charlotte Bevan a 30-year old British woman, vanished from a UK Maternity Hospital on Tuesday night with her four-day-old daughter.

CCTV showed her leaving the hospital ward in Bristol without a coat and with only hospital slippers on her feet. She was carrying her daughter in a hospital blanket.

Her sudden departure prompted a widescale search after police and family raised the alarm.

Police said on Tuesday “Charlotte may appear confused and worried and her baby is inappropriately wrapped for the cold weather. The mother is not wearing any shoes and we have serious concern for the welfare of her baby.”

A public appeal by her family deepened the nations’ concerns.

It seemed that Charlotte and her partner had been looking forward to becoming new parents, but that in the past Charlotte had suffered some mental health issues.

Her boyfriend, Pascal Malbrouck posted on Facebook

“ My daughter has gone missing with her mum Charlotte Bevan.

“Please if anyone has got any info or has seen her please contact me.”

Pascal told media that Charlotte had suffered schizophrenia and depression in the past and and was sleep-deprived after the birth of their daughter, Zarnee Teanna.

But he said she was happy before she gave birth and could think of no reason why she would go missing.

In fact only a month before she gave birth she described herself on Facebook as a “free spirit” reported The Huffington Post.

“I am free open-minded individual I love music, art, dancing and making clothes.

“I appreciate people for who they are kind or nasty they all need love.”


Reports that Charlotte had gone off her schizophrenia medication in order to breastfeed surfaced.

This news fuelled concerns, and police cordoned off wheelie bins in an area near the hospital.


But the search was fruitless and two days after she had gone missing there was no trace of the new mother.

The Bristol Post reported that police then made an appeal directly to Charlotte.

Det Chief Insp Simon Crisp said “This message really is for Charlotte. It’s not a crime to take your own baby from hospital.

“We’ve spoken to the staff at hospital and we are convinced you are a good mother.

“You were looking after your five day old child in the best way possible.

“We know you have got your child’s best interest at heart. You were due to be discharged.

“You have left so unexpectedly – you haven’t told your friends or family where you were going, which is really worrying for them.”

But still nothing, until this.

A Facebook post appeared on her page. – a video from a conference given by a man called Nassim Haramein.

It was a sign of hope. A small glimmer that Charlotte was somewhere out there caring for her daughter.

The nation breathed a sigh of relief, but yet police found no trace of where the mother and daughter could be.

Her distraught partner and mother fronted a press conference.

Her mother Rachel Fortune, said: “We all really enjoyed seeing you be such a good mother and let’s go forward with that and please get in touch and we all love you. Just please get in touch.”

But then tragedy.

A walker near a cliff less than 2km away from the hospital spotted a pair of white slippers and a multi coloured hospital blanket.

It was Charlotte and it was news no body wanted to hear.

For a short time the nation held its breath as there was no reported sighting of her baby.

And then this.

“I regret to inform you that a short time ago on the cliff face, close to Charlotte, the body of a small baby girl has been found.” Police said.

“No formal identification has so far taken place but we anticipate that it is going to be Charlotte’s daughter.

“This is a dreadful, awful, frustrating business and our thoughts are with the family at this time.

“We will be conducting an investigation on behalf of the coroner. At the moment we are not treating either death as suspicious.”

Charlotte’s mother said that her daughter was now at peace.

“My beautiful daughter and grand-daughter are now at peace.” Rachel Fortune said.

“The family would like to thank all the friends of Pascal, Charlotte and Zaani, some of whom we have only met today.” reports The Independent.

Questions are now being asked about the level of support for new mothers, and the monitoring of mental health issues in women while they are pregnant.

The awful events will undoubtedly shine a light on maternal mental health and hopefully pave the way for future women to get the help they need.

In the meantime a nation grieves along with the family of Charlotte Bevan.


If you need help :

  • Lifeline – 13 11 14
  • 1800 18 SANE (7263)
  • The Gidget Foundation  
  • PANDA (Post and Antenatal Depression Association) 
  • Pregnancy, Birth and Baby is a free, 24 hour national service funded by the Federal Government. It provides confidential advice and non-judgmental support for women and their partners from qualified counsellors. Call 1800 882 436 or go to  for trusted, online information


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Top Comments

Amanda 10 years ago

And copper toxity can also go hand in hand with another metabolic condition called Pyrrolle disorder. Again, food for thought

Amanda 10 years ago

Tragic. For all involved. I too suffered severe post partum depression. Years later I found it was most likely because I have a metabolic high copper overload (which may well be hereditary). I am not a medical expert but it is food for though in cases like these. Well worth Googling and reading about for anyone with mental health issues as well as gut brain function and how it relates to mental health. In my case it is everything