
Awesome parents get huge tattoos to match their daughter's birthmark.

“We wanted Honey-Rae to feel special, that her birthmark was something to feel proud of and not embarrassed by.”

In news that will warm the heart of any human with a pulse, a couple from England have tattooed something similar to their daughter’s birthmark onto their legs to make her feel more comfortable.

18-month-old Honey-Rae Phillips was born with a blemish that grew as quickly as she did. The red birthmark now covers the right side of her body.

Tanya Phillips, Honey-Rae’s mother, used her 40th birthday as an excuse to have a likeness of her daughter’s birthmark tattooed on both and her and her husband Adam’s legs.

Phillips told The Mirror that their decision was easy: “Adam and I decided straight away that we wanted Honey-Rae to feel special, that her birthmark was something to feel proud of and not embarrassed by.

Related: “To my daughter, about her birthmark.”

“From the moment she was born, we told Honey-Rae she was beautiful and constantly covered her in kisses.

“It was incredibly painful, but it was worth every second of the pain.”

The awesome parents never want their daughter to feel different or alone, and now they’ve ensured she will never feel like the only person in the world with a large birthmark.

We’re sure her parent’s decision will help Honey-Rae’s confidence when is asked, and possibly teased, about her mark.

“Some people will says it odd and think what we’ve done is quite extreme, but in our eyes all we have done is ensure Honey-Rae never feels different. Mummy and Daddy now have the same permanent markings as she does.”

What’s the most selfless thing you have done as a parent? 

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Top Comments

Loveyourkids 10 years ago

My son was born with a similar birthmark up his arm, it actually flares up when he is upset and takes over the whole arm.

My son is now 17, it has never ever been an issue. It is iike his brown eyes its part of him.

i do not applaud these parents at all it seems they have the problem more so than there daughter.

Gee lucky she had all her limbs ?

guest 10 years ago

Agree completely, my daughter has a similar one her chest. She hasn't even noticed yet. Pretty sure the parents are the ones making a big deal about it.

Monica 10 years ago

Why wouldn't they work to remove the daughter's birthmark?? I grew up freckly and no matter how many times your parents tell you you're beautiful or wonderful or special, no matter how many celebrities they point out have what you have, it doesn't matter - you don't want to feel different to the other kids. You don't care if you're the same as your parents ... if anything, I imagine that would be more embarrassing than helpful.
It's a beautiful, generous thing for them to do if it's the only choice -- maybe removal of the little girl's birthmark wasn't an option, but if they had the option to remove hers and chose this instead, I'd say they've chosen wrong.

Ruth 10 years ago

But this way, they're the ones going through a painful procedure, not their daughter.

Guest 10 years ago

I have freckles and never felt different.

Karen Cass 10 years ago

Laser removal won't usually be offered/available until the child is fully grown. A significant proportion of these types of birthmark will fade or even disappear as the child ages. My daughter had a large one on the rim of her ear and strangers in the supermarket used to ask if she'd hurt herself (code for 'did you beat her?') and i was summoned to school once to 'please explain' by some complete GIT of a teacher who clearly hadnt noticed it the day before, and the day before that and... It was completely gone by the time she was 16.