The first moments after childbirth is a special time – a time to treasure with your partner and your gorgeous newborn. Unless, of course, said partner puts their foot in it – big time.
That was the topic of a recent Reddit thread, which asked commenters to share the worst thing you could say to your partner after they give birth.
It’s unknown if these were all actual quotes from brand new fathers, or whether the posters were simply being creative. But either way, they’re pretty entertaining. And rage-inducing…
Here are some of the best:
chocki305: "She still looks fat, must be another one in there."
Sexcalator: "Could have sworn we were having triplets with how big she is. Seriously Doc, I know there's another one in there."
qervem: "Pffft, I can do that with my penis."
queuedUp: "Well, that seemed easy."
Cioran: "What's for dinner?"
Tiborc: "Can I leave now?"
KittyKat1986: "My feet are tired from standing and I need to check on some football scores."
namer98: "What I actually said: When does she get cute?"