
Zoe Foster Blake on what you really, only need for a baby.

You’ll actually use them.

As someone who is pregnant, the world of new parenting is a very daunting, scary and overwhelming place.

I haven’t even got to the buying of the baby stuff part, which I hear is a minefield.

Besides the brands and having too many choices, there is always the worry that you are buying something that you won’t actually use.

As a new mum to be, this is highly likely.

But, thanks to (our favourite celebrity mum) Zoe Foster Blake’s latest blog post, we (and by we, I mean I) are assured that all of these are absolute genius buys. Oh, and you will use them. A lot.

While Foster Blake has listed 13, these are the three that absolutely blew my mind.

1. A bath support.

Oh. My. God. When I read that this even existed, it blew my mind. My biggest fear (besides, you know, birth) is bathing my future baby. Foster Blake recommends the Babyhood Toweling Bath Support saying it, "made bath time a lot easier and a lot less scary".

Babyhood Toweling Bath Support. Image via their site.

2. Love to Dream Swaddle Suits.

As Foster Blake points out, swaddling at 3am doesn't sound like the most fun task. I've seen my friends use similar products for their babies, and they sweat by them too.

Image via Love to Dream.

3. A change clutch.

At first, I thought, what is this strange device? Basically, it is a changemat that you can use when you know...number threes happen while you are out of the house. Foster Blake says she squeezes in wipes, nappies and nappy bags in and chucks it into her regular bag. No nappy bag needed.

JJ Cole Changing Clutch - Stone Arbour. Image via Baby Bunting.

So, Foster Blake, thank you for changing my pregnancy life with these discoveries. I feel looking after a newborn will be totally easy now...right? Please tell me I'm right...

If you want to read all of the 13 things Foster Blake recommends (you should, you need to), go here.

If you could recommend one baby product to me (a pregnant lady) what would it be? I need all the help I can get.

Otherwise, just look at really cute photos of her son Sonny in the gallery below:

SCROLL THROUGH the gallery to see Zoe Foster Blake and Sonny...

Zoe Foster Blake behind the scenes with Sonny.
Zoe Foster Blake and Sonny enjoy beach time.
Image: @zotheysay/Instagram.
An excited Zoe Foster Blake.
The cutest mother and son duo.
Zoe Foster Blake on duty.
Hey there!
Sleepy time.
Zoe Foster Blake always has amazing hair.
Slightly cold.
Zoe Foster Blake with Sonny.
With the adventure stroller we're guessing.
Beauty in black and white.
Teaching Sonny duck face.
A retro Zoe Foster Blake.
New bub - flashback.
Gorgeous little family.

Want more? Try:

Push it, push it real good. Like Zoe Foster Blake.

Zoe Foster Blake has been trolled on Instagram.