
Where and when you can join the Women's March if you're in Australia.

The end of this week heralds the inauguration of US President-Elect Donald Trump. He will take office on Saturday AEST time, which is Friday evening in the US.

As he is sworn in as the “leader of the free world”, women and men around the globe will be gearing up to march in protest.

The idea is to send a message to the new president – the same man who wants to “build a wall”; who’s spoken about “grabbing women by the pussy”; who imitated a disabled journalist – that the world is going to fight for equal rights in the face of his bigotry. It’s about standing up for the fair and civil treatment of women, minorities, and immigrants.

It's a symbol, more than anything. The main event will be held outside Capitol Hill in Washington DC, the day after President Elect Trump's inauguration. There are other events throughout the US, but also here in Australia.

The marches in Sydney and Melbourne will be the first of many across the world. Here's how you can get involved.

Women's March Sydney

When: Saturday, January 21 at 11am - 2pm AEST. {This will be Friday in the US, just hours after president-elect Trump takes office.)

Where: The march will run from the Anzac Memorial Pool of Reflection in Hyde Park South to Martin Place, adjacent to the US Consulate Office.

Register: Registration is recommended but not required. You don't need tickets to join. See more here:

Listen: Nasty Woman: How women reclaimed the term following a Trump insult. (Post continues after audio.)

Women's March Melbourne

When: Saturday, January 21 at 1pm – 4pm AEST.

Where: State Library of Victoria, 328 Swanston Street, Melboure, VIC

Register: Again, registration is not necessary but it is recommended. See more here:

Remember, it's a peaceful but impassioned protest. You can buy a Women's March tee-shirt on Etsy, to really look the part.

Other than that, bring signs, your loudest voices, strength and a united front. (Probably water and sunscreen, too).

See you there!

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Top Comments

Easoto 8 years ago

There is also one being organised in Perth. Here's the FB Link:

Susie 8 years ago

Pity there wasn't a womans' march when Clinton was re-elected given his misogynistic, disgraceful behaviour towards women.