real life

A woman was scrolling through Instagram when she realised her marriage was over.

Russian woman Yulia Agranovych was just scrolling through Instagram when she saw a familiar photo come up on her feed.

Very, very familiar.

Maybe because it was, you know, the exact same view from the bedroom window she shared with her husband – Nazar Grynko, shared from an unknown Instagram account.

"I wasn't searching for anything, it was a normal morning," said Yulia, who took her story to Russian news channel Ren-Tv.

"Having visited her account, I found many other interesting photographs, including those of my husband," she said.


The ex-model turned orthodontist and children's dentist chose to confront the affair head on, commenting "beautiful view from my husband’s bedroom,” on the offending photo.

What proceeded to unravel was the fact that this wasn't her husband's only indiscretion. Actually, he had a long line of mistresses.

When faced with the tricky task of explaining his infidelity, Yulia claims her husband said "he was never mentally unfaithful to me - and told every girl he was married".

"Mentally faithful"... uh, yeah, buddy - that's not really a thing.

Listen: Esther tells Mia Freedman why happy people cheat. (Post continues after audio...)

Needless to say, the pair are now parting ways.

Eager to spread her story, Yulia said that other women have been supportive of her, and proud of "her bravery".

Despite being a woman scorned, she's trying to stay positive, stating that she's happy she found out now as they were "planning to have a family".

Thank goodness indeed.

Esther Perel goes pm Mamamia's No Filter with Mia Freedman. The duo give us the complete lowdown on why people cheat:

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Top Comments

the other anon 7 years ago

Except "mentally faithful" is the exact opposite of "emotional affair" you can't say one exists while the other doesn't.

Guest 7 years ago

well, I guess it depends in what you look for in a marriage. Both people need to have the same expectations on "emotional" and "physical" faithfulness. If one person thinks it's ok to have sex with a variety of women, as long as he told them he was married, he should have checked if it was ok with his wife first. If not, then why stay married? (I guess he wanted to stay married because it's cheaper than divorcing) I think the basic tenets of most marriages include physical faithfulness, and if you have an "open" marriage, it's important that both the wife and the husband agree to that! "Emotional affairs" don't always mean a divorce will happen (just like physical unfaithfulness might not end a marriage), it's just if your significant other is looking to another person to confide in and fulfil all their emotional needs, what is left for the marriage relationship? You can have friends outside of marriage, but if you don't like your spouse enough to want to share your feelings with them, should you really be married? Just some thoughts.