
William opens up about losing his mother as he comforts a young boy dealing with grief.

William, Duke of Cambridge, has opened up about his grief over the death of his mother, Princess Diana, during one of his Royal visits in the United Kingdom. Over the past year, William and his wife Kate have focused their attention on providing support and assistance to vulnerable teenagers and children.

During a recent visit to a hospice in the UK, William showed great empathy for a young boy going through the pain of losing his mother. Ben is only 14 years of age and had bravely spoken of his pain, having lost his mother last year. Knowing all too well the grief he must be experiencing, William gently placed his hand on the shoulder of the boy and said: “Time makes it easier.”

As we all remember William was only a child at the time his mother, Princess Diana, tragically passed away following a car crash involving the paparazzi in 1997. However it is clear that the loss still affects him to this day.

“I know how you feel. I still miss my mother every day and it’s 20 years after she died,” he said, according to The Telegraph.

Prince William and Prince Harry at their mother's funeral. Image via Getty.

William continued by saying that it was important family stick together and then he made Ben, and his brothers, Thomas and Richard, promise that they would continue talking to each other, noting that men are often "not great sharers".

The tour also included a visit by Kate who warmly offered hugs and comfort to other's going through traumatic times. She even sat down to play a game of UNO and explained that the game was a favourite of hers which she often played with her sister and brother as a child.

Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, plays a game during the visit. Image via Getty.

During the visit, the royal couple met Holly Keany and Ellis Jones, both 18. The girls shared their story, which included a background of self-harm and depression. Ellis told the couple that she began self-harming as a means of coping when her mother was diagnosed with an auto-immune disease which took her life when Ellis was just 14-years-old.

William again displayed his caring side, which people often reference to be similar to that of his mothers,

"What happened should never have happened to you and you should never have gone through it. The fact you have gone through it and got where you are now, you should be really, really proud," he said.

Speaking of the meeting afterwards, the Ellis Jones, 18, said:  "I feel so thankful for what he said, especially because he lost his mum at a similar age. It meant a lot to me. He said I was really brave and strong and that I should be proud of myself. He was really nice and so was Kate."



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guest 8 years ago

"She even sat down to play a game of UNO"

What a saint. Someone get her a medal.