
The Australian tourism advertisement with a shocking twist.

A camera trawls across the iconic Australian landscape; scenic beaches, the cityscape, the deep ocean, and fireworks in a celebratory sky.

The narration echoes the imagery, conjuring up an idyllic Australia. A country known the world over for its natural, untamed beauty. For being the home of the globe’s oldest living civilisation. For it’s citizens’ easy going and friendly nature.

And for it’s appalling rates of domestic violence.


White Ribbon Australia has parodied a tourism ad to create awareness for violence against women across the country. It’s startling – and not quite the boastful tourism ad you had imagined.

Bram Williams, Partner at Archibald/ Williams, who produced the ad, said that the campaign was designed to create noise around a subject that has long been kept a secret. He said, “The fact that behind the sparkle of our modern, sophisticated nation, violence against women is still happening on a daily basis.”

Libby Davis, CEO at White Ribbon Australia said, “The issue of male violence against women is real and insidious, but the extent to which it exists, and its impact on Australia is still largely hidden.”

The ad has been launched ahead of White Ribbon Day on November 25.

Please share this post to help raise awareness for victims of domestic violence in Australia. 

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Top Comments

<deleted> 11 years ago

Kaye 11 years ago

I do agree that domestic violence against men is very overlooked issue but it should be pointed out that the 'White Ribbon foundation' is an organisation that focuses on violence against woman so that is why this advert refers only to woman only.