
What yoga looks like in an X-ray machine.

Image: iStock

When you settle into a yoga pose, you can feel the satisfaction right down to your bones and joints. Or so I’ve been told. If you’re hopelessly inflexible like me, it’s just a world of pain.

Now, thanks to the team at Hybrid Medical Animation, we can see exactly what all those sun salutes and backbend poses are doing to your skeleton.

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The scientific 3D animation studio has created a video of what the body looks like while performing various yoga poses – if you were looking through X-ray vision, that is.

The result is, admittedly, a little macabre – skeletons are eerie regardless of how gracefully they can Downward Dog – but makes for compelling viewing. So bendy! So elegant!

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Unfortunately for you, dear reader, this footage has also inspired me to come up with the following terrible but not entirely unamusing joke:

Q. Why did the skeleton skip her yoga class?

A: Because she had no body to go with.

You’re welcome to use that to open your next dinner party conversation. Namaste.

X-ray Body in Motion – Yoga from hybrid medical animation on Vimeo.

Speaking of yoga, here’s a bunch of celebrities who love showing off their bendy poses on Instagram, usually when they’re holidaying in exotic locations. Because it’s not enough to be flexible, you have to also be fancy. Apparently.

Celebrities doing yoga.