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What we're all forgetting about the first season of Married At First Sight.


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Married At First Sight will be back on our TV screens (AGAIN) at 7pm tonight.

It’s been a month since MAFS returned to our tellies and the drama just keeps on coming.

In just a few weeks, we’ve seen it all – there’s been physical altercations, rumours of paid actors, cheating scandals, a virgin who ended up in the emergency room, and a whole lot of nastiness.

But among fans, there’s one common issue that keeps coming up time and time again.

You see, things have changed. A lot.

These are just some of the things we say while watching Married At First Sight. Post continues below…

Four years on from its premiere on Australian screens in 2015, Married At First Sight is now an entirely different beast.

In fact, this season is almost entirely unrecognisable compared to the show’s premiere.

There were no intruders, no cheating scandals and the drama usually related to mundane issues like washing the dishes.

With fans missing the simpler times of the show, we decided to take a look back at everything we forgot about season one of Married At First Sight.

Here’s what we discovered:

The couples moved in together.

On the first season of Married At First Sight, the four couples moved in together.

Unlike the current season, where contestants are put up in fancy high-rise apartments overlooking the harbour, the first season saw one half of each couple forced to move into their new partner’s home.

There were fights over grocery shopping and home decor and it was just bloody great.

The best part? It’s a lot easier to avoid ‘wife-swapping’ and cheating scandals when you’re not living down the corridor from the other couples…

Listen to our latest recap of Married At First Sight here. Post continues below…

There were only six episodes.

The first season of MAFS was just six episodes long.

Yep, six.

Unlike this season, which has been on the air for a month already with up to four to five episodes on screen a week, season one was refreshingly short.

There were no intruders.

Season one of MAFS comprised of just four couples: Zoe and Alex, Michelle and James, Lachlan and Clare, and Roni and Michael.

In the current season, however, that number has more than doubled.

We started off with 10 couples before two more ‘intruder’ couples were introduced.

It’s a lot.

Unlike this season where the couples frequently meet for dramatic alcohol-fueled dinner parties, the first season included just one dinner party and it happened at one of the contestant’s homes.


Influencers weren't really a thing.

Remember when Married At First Sight was actually about finding love and not getting Instagram followers?

Although Instagram was around in 2015, sponsorship deals were a lot harder to get.

Unlike this season where some contestants have reportedly admitted to appearing on the show for publicity (we're looking at you, Bronson), the couples from season one were genuinely there to find someone rather than to make some quick cash spruiking detox tea or teeth whitening kits.

It had never been done before.

When Married At First Sight first aired in Australia, we had no idea what to expect – and neither did the contestants.

It was simple, it was fresh, and it wasn't overproduced.

Now, producers are simply trying too hard to emulate the drama of past seasons as themes of 'wife-swapping' and girls fights come up again and again.

What do you think? Do you prefer past seasons of Married At First Sight? Let us know in the comments section.

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