
11 ordinary women in their underwear.


Staring at your near-naked body in the mirror is confronting. Tried it lately?

Did you fixate, scrutinise, pinch and measure?

Probably. Body insecurities affect most women, in countries all around the world.

But Lithuanian photographer Neringa Rekasiute is stripping down body image problems, one mirror at a time.

The photographer’s powerful new photo series, titled ‘We. Women’, is aimed at reminding women that we all look different.

The series came about after Beata Tiskevic, an actress, showed Neringa a drawing of a woman looking into a mirror.

“Beata showed me this drawing of a woman looking into the mirror and there were words written on her body: the words which throughout her life she heard addressed about her ‘imperfect’ body,” Neringa explained to Huffington Post.

One of the subjects of the We Women photo series. Image via Neringa Rekasiute.

“Beata and I had been discussing extensively how much [we] needs an empowering project for women,” Rekasiute said. This was it. “I told her, ‘We have to do it.'”

In the end, 12 selected women were asked to confront their body image fears and insecurities by standing in the mirror and having their photograph taken.

“Women were writing about bulimia, anorexia, fat-shaming, skinny-shaming, violence from men,” Rekasiute said. “This project showed us lots of deep scars in our society.”

The series has now grabbed the attention of women around the world.

One of the subjects of the We Women photo series. Image via Neringa Rekasiute.

“Beata and I wanted to… bring the natural and real bodies of ordinary women back into public light.”

To view more images from this photo series, click through our gallery below. To learn more about the photographer, click here.

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Top Comments

Alice O 10 years ago

There were 2 slightly larger women, then 9 with virtually the same body shape....being the same body shape we see every day in magazines anyway. I don't see the point at all!!

Zepgirl 10 years ago

Was it just me, or did everyone else go through that gallery trying to pick the person who looked the most like themselves?

Agent99 10 years ago

I did.

Guest 10 years ago

More like, who you'd do? Double dare you to admit that on a woman's website.

Poppy 10 years ago


Butz 10 years ago

Well I will now ...