
The celebrity who decided to take on Vogue.





Zooey Deschanel is obviously fabulous. Not only is she the Queen of Quirky, but she sings, she’s a fantastic actress and she’s the founder of a positive online community for women called HelloGiggles.


And now an old letter has been leaked online proving that Zooey was even breaking awesome records way back when.

When she was just 17, Zooey wrote this letter to Vogue, asking them why they limited ‘the spectrum of beauty to an ideal’ and if body insecurity was ‘something they wanted to advocate’. Take a look, you’ll be virtually high-fiving your screen, we promise.


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girls 11 years ago

TO MAMAMIA : With this new commenting system . is there a way like the old way where you ticked a box and wanted to be notified if - 1. Your comment has been published and 2. If there were responses to your comments. Have you stopped this? If not may you please email me or make a general note about how to go about this please?
Thanking you in anticipation!!

zepgirl 11 years ago

If you make an 'account' then when you come back to the site and log in and go to one of the posts, there will be a little red number just below the commenting box, next to the My Disqus heading. It doesn't go through to your email (though that hadn't been working for aaaaaaaages), but it's good enough for me.

Pinto 11 years ago

I love Zooey! I admit I'm not a fan of her show but her music, her movies, her dress sense & generally everything else about her - WONDERFUL!