
The industries with the biggest gender pay gaps in Australia.

The industries with the biggest gender pay gaps in Australia.

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Snorks 7 years ago

The video sort of loses it's edge when it's final note begins with 'It's 2016...'.
I know this has all been covered before, but you have to look at why there is a gap.
No doubt there is still a gap when you control or other factors, but it's a few percent. Which is still to high of course.

Feast 8 years ago

While it sounds nice, I wonder how the nitty gritty will work. It is already illegal to pay different wages based on gender alone.

If a male employee is offered a pay rise for good work, will female employees in the same role be offered the same pay rise for possibly a different work standard?

If they are filling 2 positions and the first successful applicant negotiates a better wage, will the second applicant be offered that same wage if they were prepared to accept less?

Sorry, sounds like case of companies trying to make a grand show of something they should be doing anyway.