
When Tiana found out her boyfriend was cheating, she waited til her 21st speech to dump him.

Ahh, 21st speeches. Remember those?

They were often full of cringe-worthy stories about getting drunk in parks when your parents thought you were at sleepovers (sorry mum), probably delivered by someone who had knocked back one too many drinks, and would inevitably see that one rogue friend take things a bit too far, much to the horror of your 75-year-old granny who had stuck around to watch you blow out your candles.


A US woman’s 21st speech has gone viral – but not for any of the reasons above.

Tiana Perea from Houston, Texas, decided it was time to publicly take out the trash end her relationship after discovering text messages her boyfriend had sent to another woman.

(Brace yourselves, it be epic.)

Here’s the original tweet, in all its glory:


The beginning of the video doing the rounds on Twitter shows Tiana’s friends gathered around a kitchen island, bracing themselves for celebratory tequila shots (blergh), when Tiana begins thanking all of her friends for coming.

But the speech quickly shifts to her boyfriend, Santos.

"I'd like to thank Santos for making me realise I deserve so much better," she says.

"Because every single person here knows you were trying to f*ck with some girl."

She continues, as the party atmosphere shifts to... well, a little awkward:

...But it's at this point, possibly the best thing we have ever seen on the internet happens.

Tiana's brother comes downstairs carrying Santos' overnight bag, which he hands to him as his sister tells him to "get the f*ck out".


You, sir, are the brother we all deserve.

"In case you didn't figure it out, we're over and you can get the f*ck out," Tiana says gesturing towards the door.

Applause ensues as Santos, well, gets the f*ck out.

Naturally, the internet had a lot to say about it, with many labelling Tiana's speech as "cold".

Others thought it was suitably bad-arse ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

As for the question posed in her original tweet: "Is this the right thing to do when your boyfriend cheats on you?" Well, the jury's hung, but one thing's for sure: we bet that's one 21st speech her friends will never forget, no matter how many tequila shots they downed that night.

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Top Comments

Rush 6 years ago

Good for you, love. You’re 21, go out and enjoy life. Life’s too short to put up with people who don’t treat you with respect.