real life

Bizarre gift requests. Would you like boobs with that?

Would you put your boobs on the gift registry?

If you’ve ever been to a wedding, you’ve probably taken a gift along for the happy couple. Maybe you chose the gift yourself, or maybe you chose it from the couple’s registry. Or maybe the couple had a wishing well so you could donate money to their honeymoon or future house.

However, you’ve probably never donated money at a wedding for the bride’s future boob job. The Daily Mail reports…


Louise with the money she was given for her operation

Louise and Les Hampson aren’t like most couples. Instead of asking for gifts, they asked their 200 guests to contribute towards a new pair of breasts for the bride.

Now, after raising 2,000-pounds, 33-year-old Louise has had the cosmetic surgery she craved.

Her new implants have boosted her bust from a 32D to a 32DD.


Alright, cool, cool. We get it. The wedding gifts are all about making the couple happy right? And boobs are the happiest things going around, right?

Ummm. Whatever floats your boat. But you have to admit this request is a little out of left field.

We’d be equally amused if the bride had asked for a gold-flecked harp from outer Mongolia, or something.

What’s the most outrageous demand you’ve received from a party host? Have you made an outrageous demand yourself?

Top Comments

Mel 13 years ago

My husband and I received an engagement invitation from friends if ours and it came with a note (with a poem) explaining that they really needed gifts in the form if vouchers to help build their live together....and at the bottom of the note they had listed three different stores where they would like their vouchers from AND had circles which one they would like us to purchase!!!!! My husband was so incensed he refused to do it and we bought them one of those smartbox experience things......

Amanda Weller 13 years ago

well, for my upcomming 40th i would like my friends to contribute to my botox fund rather than gifts. i think i am a little shallow.