Before I had my daughter Nia, there was one constant thing we were told by friends who had already had kids: "Enjoy this time, because you will never ever get it back."
Now, three-and-a-half years later, I was having a chat to a friend who is currently trying to get pregnant with her first child. We were on the topic of what life is like Before Child (let's call that era BC) versus what it's like After Child (AC, then).
Being a mum is the greatest privilege, so I feel like even though my life is so different, to some degree, things are very much the same. Once you have a child, you can still enjoy these moments, but there's no denying that some things were just easier when there were just two.
That's where the idea of a 'pre-baby bucket list' comes from – all those wonderful things that you take for granted before you're juggling a little human in the mix. From my experience, these are the essentials for your 'pre-baby bucket list' (and remember, you can STILL do these things AC – just with a little more planning, patience and effort).
1. The 'quick trip' to the supermarket.
Before Child, we would do our weekly shop in under 30 mins. Now, AC, we find ourselves still there over an hour later most times, with half the things we need, and more things that we don’t need!
Just last week, Nia and I ran in to grab some bread, bananas and avocados for brekkie (which are conveniently located right next to each other). We instead spent close to 15 minutes in the stationery aisle deciding between which colouring pencils she wanted to add to her collection, and she also said she’s not feeling "the vibe" of bananas that day and put pineapple into the basket. She also made a new friend while pondering in the sparkling water aisle and was so happy with herself. Thirty-five minutes later, we were at the self check-out, and she was being the ‘leader’ and scanning the goods.
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