
The most ridiculous things anti-vaxxers say.

The arguments used by anti-vaxxers range from the funny to the downright unhinged – and now there’s a Facebook page dedicated to rounding up the most ridiculous ones.

The Things Anti-Vaxers Say Facebook page has been created solely to share (the often hilarious) direct quotes from anti-vaxxers.

It has more than 20,000 followers, and the page administrators explained:

“We post on this page direct, unedited quotes from extremist vaccine deniers who purposely do not vaccinate because of a personal, misinformed vendetta against mainstream medicine. These choices harm public health by reducing the effectiveness of herd immunity, endangering the medically vulnerable.”

While the quotes shared on the page will probably make you weep for humanity, they’re also pretty amusing.

Here’s one of the highlights:

And another:

And another:

Yep - it would be funny if it wasn’t so terrifying…

But while the page is good for a laugh and an eye roll at the anti-vaxxers’ expense, it’s also a scary insight into the growing movement.

Given that last year in Australia 39,523 children were recorded as conscientious objectors to vaccinations, as well as high profile celebrities like Miranda Kerr, Alicia Silverstone and Donald Trump publicly support the anti-vax movement, the more pages like this, the better.

What would you like to say to anti-vaxxers?

TAP on the image below and scroll through the gallery for some more highlights from the Things Anti-Vaxers Say Facebook page...

Things Anti-Vaxers Say.

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Top Comments

$116281197 8 years ago

What's terrifying is the fear mongering used by many media outlets that are fronts for Big Pharma. Their excessive lies are fraudulent and should be stopped.

TwinMamaManly 8 years ago

"I have taught my son to be spiritually strong so he can fight off bad energy and we drink organic kale smoothies from our garden". My response - I can't be friends with someone that stupid.

But if all it takes to fight off vaccine-preventable diseases is a kale smoothie, don't you think big pharma would have taken control of the world kale supply and be charging through the nose for it? (By anti-Vaxxer (il)logic anyway).