
The choice no man ever wants to make.



When I was only 32 a doctor gave me a choice between my hair and my sex drive. I’m not even joking.

My hair had been falling out for weeks and I was pretty freaked out. The last thing I wanted to be was bald. I loved my hair. I loved running their fingers through my hair. What were they going to grab onto? What were they going to brush out of my face as we lay there talking about life? I know, cue violins, right?

Just as an FYI, this post is sponsored by Fusion® Health. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100% authentic and written in their own words.

I went straight to the doctor and begged for help. He said there was a medication I could take but it would interfere with my sex drive. So I had to make a choice and…my libido won.

I don’t know any man who would choose his hair over his sex drive. Am I right? Hair is just hair and after my initial panic about complete baldness I decided to get a crew cut. Problem solved, libido intact, look out world, here I come (pounding chest in primal way).

It’s just that every now and then I sort of wish I did have a good head of hair, you know, something to shake when I get out of the shower. I’d comforted myself about my lack of hair by looking at all the attractive male celebrities who shared my dilemma – Prince William, Vin Diesel…but my mind kept straying to celebrities like the boys from One Direction, George Clooney and Ryan Gosling. I was suffering from major hair envy.

I read about celebrities like John Travolta and Mel Gibson using spray on hair and it just looked wrong. Stuffed if I was going to do that. I didn’t want anything that would look fake. Hair in a can? No way.

Male hair loss is common and it’s usually to do with heredity. But there are other factors that contribute to male hair loss especially in young men. Stress, poor nutrition, hormonal changes caused by lifestyle factors, medications, diseases and smoking.

I do have a pretty stressful job and I’ve often thought about techniques to help me deal but I’m just so busy. When will I find the time for even one more thing?

There are also heaps of ways people try to prevent male hair loss and I wish I’d started them all in my twenties. There are heaps of vitamins you can take, lots of the vitamin Bs, zinc, iron and magnesium. Getting a good sleep helps with male hair loss too. Drinking lots of water and eating foods like milk, almonds, spinach, broccoli, oranges, whole grains, spinach, fish, soya beans, eggs, leafy greens, green tea…

Or you could take Fusion Health Hair Tonic which covers all of that and even more. Given my male hair loss was pretty typical of male-pattern baldness, I also added Men’s Balance.

Most guys care about their looks. I’ve always been fit and healthy but none of that kept my hair on my bloody head. And why wasn’t I losing it anywhere else? Why couldn’t I shed a few underarm hairs or pubes even. Why does it all have to come from my head? And if I was losing it now at 32, how would I look at 42, or 52?

I read Andre Agassi’s book Open. He lost his hair young and so did his brother. I had no idea that was a hair piece he was wearing most days on the court, and reading about his relief when he just shaved it all off almost made me drop some man-tears. Seriously. He was free from the angst.

And now here I am in the exact same spot. I really don’t want to be totally bald, at least not yet. I’m pretty happy to have found a more natural solution to hair loss. And once it starts working I’ll be growing it longer pretty quickly. No more crew cuts for me.


Fusion® Health brings together the ancient principles of Chinese herbal medicine with the science of Western herbal medicine. The result is a range of modern herbal medicines developed to support body, mind and spirit in addressing specific health complaints. Experience the best of both worlds from Fusion® Health. Ask for advice at leading health food stores or discover more at


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What would you rather give up – sex or your hair? 

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Top Comments

Chillax 11 years ago

I recently ran into a man who I went out with when I was about 19, a long time ago! He's now a man in his late 40's, completely bald. And still extremely attractive.
Don't worry about it! Nothing worse than a comb over though guys, clip it short or shave it off!

Dulcet Duckie 11 years ago

Losing your hair is an emotional issue for a man - imagine what it is like for a woman. A significant number of women do develop male pattern baldness with menopause (though rarely as drastic as men). It is an issue that is rarely discussed however.