
Teen sends her own threesome revenge porn to cheating friend's boyfriend after bizarre row.

A 19-year-old woman has been sentenced in Manchester, UK, after she sent revenge porn to her friend’s boyfriend after the duo had a fight.

Abigail Stringfellow and her friend, who cannot be named for legal reasons, engaged in a threesome with a mystery man earlier this year. However, Stringfellow’s friend had a boyfriend at the time.

Stringfellow has appeared in the Manchester Magistrates Court after she filmed parts of the threesome on her phone, despite pleas from the victim to delete the evidence for fear her boyfriend would find out.

According to The Sun, when the friends got into a bizarre dispute in April over a missing coat, a vindictive Stringfellow decided to send the videos to the victim’s boyfriend, alerting him of the affair.

The victim’s boyfriend was reportedly shocked and furious at the liaison after receiving the explicit images, bombarding his then-girlfriend with phone calls and allegedly assaulting her when she turned up at his home.

In a statement, the victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons, said Stringfellow’s actions had resulted in more emotional pain than just the fracturing of her relationships.

“Abigail’s actions have destroyed my life,” she said.

“She has humiliated me, embarrassed me and brought about the end of my relationship.

“I hate her for what she has done. I want her to know what her actions have led to.”

Stringfellow’s lawyer, Matthew Wallace, said in mitigation Stringfellow regretted her actions and does not wish to cause more harm, The Mirror are reporting.

“Their relationship has broken down because of this allegation between them about this jacket. That was why she sent those images. She deeply regrets what she has done,” he said.

“This situation is a whole big mess. It was a rash act that she did. She knows the significant damage that she has done.

“She has not wished to prolong this matter, or to have those images shown to anyone else.

“This is an unusual revenge porn case, as it is usually a person in a relationship [who] had intimate images taken and betrayed that relationship, but this case was the result of a breakdown of a friendship.”

Stringfellow admitted in court to disclosing private sexual photographs and filming with intent to cause distress.

The Mirror are reporting Stringfellow was given a 12-week jail term suspended for a year, has been ordered to pay AU$330 in costs, must complete 100 hours of unpaid work and will have to pay the victim $500 compensation.

The victim’s boyfriend has also been charged with assault and is awaiting trial.

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Top Comments

Rush 8 years ago

She did this over a row about a jacket? God, what would she do if it was a row about something serious?