
As paramedics tended to his partner, who had fallen 11 storeys, Dan Shearin called a lawyer.

This post contains a discussion of suicide and may be distressing to some readers.

Bree Robinson was just 21 years old when she died in 2013.

The bubbly, energetic Queensland woman had just landed her dream job as a cheerleader for the Gold Coast Titans.

Robinson was living with her 40-year-old boyfriend, Dan Shearin, at the time of her death. She had made the move into his high-rise building, at Broadwater, only 38 days earlier.

Her family did not support the move, with Robinson’s mother, Elaine, telling Sunday Night Shearin was “not safe” for her daughter.

According to, neighbours reported hearing a “loud piercing scream… like something out of a horror film” and a woman shouting “no”, one night in January 2013.

Moments later, Robinson fell 11 floors to her death.

While paramedics and concerned strangers tended to his girlfriend, Shearin allegedly stood back and calmly called his lawyer.

In the months leading up to her death, Shearin reportedly sent Robinson over 1400 abusive text messages, riddled with horrific insults and slurs.

But Robinson had assured her mum her boyfriend was “not like that anymore”.

On the night she died, she’d told a friend she was excited about the future. She was looking forward to an upcoming trip to Bali with Shearin.

Despite this, Shearin told police that his young girlfriend had taken her own life, while he was resting in the bedroom.

He also claimed she’d discussed taking her own life two weeks prior.

“She said, ‘I’m disappointing you, I’m disappointing my mother. I may as well throw myself off the balcony.’ And that floored me,” he told Sunday Night. 

Police did not find any of Shearin’s DNA on Robinson’s body and her death was eventually ruled an accident.

Seven days after Robinson died, Shearin flew to Bali, on the trip they were meant to take together. It was an act of self-preservation, he told Sunday Night. 

“I just got to get away, shut my phone off for however many days kind of time. And on the exact time that her ceremony, or her funeral, was going on here on the coast, you know, (I put) some rose petals out on to the water,” he said. 

Queensland police, based on compelling new evidence uncovered by Sunday Night, have re-opened the investigation into Robinson’s death.

On this week’s episode, the Sunday Night team talk to key witnesses, Robinson’s family, and the man who might hold all the answers to Robinson’s fall – Dan Shearin.

SUNDAY NIGHT hosted by Melissa Doyle airs this Sunday at 8.30pm on Seven and 7PLUS.

If you or a loved one are struggling, contact BeyondBlue or Lifeline. For 24-hour personal crisis support, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14, or visit the Lifeline website to chat online.

If you or a loved one is suffering at the hands of a violent partner, help is available by calling 1800 RESPECT.

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