
'I'm a serial solo female traveller. Here are 7 things you should know before heading off alone.'

When you’re a single girlie, you get kind of get used to flying solo – and I mean that literally. I do a heck of a lot of travelling on my own because, for me, it's a no-brainer. 

Most of my friends have partners or families and aren't as keen or available for friend holidays as they once were, which I totally get. 

So I can either go to the places I want to visit alone or… not at all.

Like I said, it just... makes sense to me. 

Watch: travelling solo to Fiji. Post continues below video.

Video via Instagram/alixcn.

And I'm on to a good thing here guys, because solo female travel is officially on the rise right now. 

Around 60 per cent of the people booking international Australian solo travel with Flight Centre in the past 12 months were women (up nine per cent from January to June alone, compared to the previous six months) – and it's not just the Gen Zs going on adventures. 

In fact, on average, the women winging it alone are in their mid-to-late 50s.


“There are so many reasons women are choosing to travel solo, from the opportunity to meet new people, to the chance to get out of their comfort zone in pursuit of personal growth,” Luvena Lee, Travel Leader at Flight Centre Zetland, told me when I spoke to her about the trend in women’s travel.

“Female travellers also do not want to miss out on exploring the world when family and friends may have other priorities. Travelling solo comes with the freedom of being able to do what they want, when they want.”

And that, friends, is the clincher. Doing your dream itinerary without having to accommodate anyone else? It makes planning a heck of a lot more enjoyable than trying to work around partners/friends/kids who all have their own agendas, and means you miss out on approximately nothing that's on your list.

Listen to The Quicky talk about Euro summer in light of the climate crisis. Post continues below.

“We find that some of our customers who are booking solo travel are looking to unplug and use a trip as a time to disconnect and reflect before making big life decisions,” says Luvena. “They not only create unforgettable memories but also gain new perspectives, which they can take back to their careers or families.”

Now, I will admit, it’s not always my favourite way to travel (and I’ll get to that), but I am genuinely of the opinion that travel in any form is better than no travel at all, and if you feel the same, I couldn’t recommend doing it on your own more. 


I’ve been travelling by myself for nearly 10 years now, and I've discovered a few hacks for seeing the world solo, so let me tell you about a few things you need to know before you go.

1. Go where feels good.

If you’re new to solo travel, you might feel a bit nervous. Heck, I’m not new to it at all and I still get butterflies before I head off alone. So if this is your first foray into travelling by yourself, pick a destination that feels comfortable. 

“European countries including Iceland and Switzerland are popular among solo female travellers, also Canada, New Zealand, and Southeast Asia,” Luvena tells me. Why? Because, as English is widely spoken in many of these destinations, it’s a lot easier to ask for help or information or find your way around.

“They are also considered safe destinations for women choosing to travel alone. Women face increased safety risks when travelling so it’s important to research destinations ahead of travel and be aware of any potential dangers. A bonus of these destinations is that they offer reasonably priced tours, which makes navigating the country and meeting new people a lot easier.”

That’s not to say you shouldn’t visit other countries, absolutely not. But if you're not sure where to start your adventures... you're welcome. 

2. Put in the prep work.

I mean, this goes for anyone travelling, but especially the gals. “Always leave a copy of your itinerary with a family member or a friend, so someone knows where you are along your travels,” suggests Luvena. Personally, I always take a photo of my passport and luggage, too, in case either gets lost (and send them to a friend or family member, cc’ing myself, so I’m extra covered).

A pic can help you locate your case faster if it goes AWOL. Image: Supplied.

 3. Consider a tour.

Luvena mentioned tours and I have to say, I back this 100 per cent. I know, I know, the whole 'group tour' thing sounds kind of… lame. I thought so too – until I actually did it, and now I honestly think it’s one of the best ways to travel alone without being truly ALONE. If that's, ya know, what you're looking for. 


I’m not talking about Contiki party vibes (although if that’s your thing, go off!). There are plenty of touring companies geared to totally different demographics, from Intrepid’s adventure vibes to Trafalgar’s boujie-chic tours and more. And what’s so great about these is that they do all the planning for you. You just have to get yourself there. It’s solo travel with guard rails and I love it.

Plus, there's the potential to share all the amazing stuff you're experiencing with someone else. And that is the one thing I do miss when I travel by myself – having someone to watch that magnificent sunset with, or take my picture in front of pretty views, or share a pan of paella (yes, this is a thing – I was recently in Spain and couldn't find a restaurant that would make the local dish for one!). If you're in a group with others? Instant dinner company – if you want it.

4. Speaking of taking pictures...

Get yourself a mini tripod and check your awkwardness at the door. Because there's only so much you can get into a selfie and honestly, who gives a s**t if you people give you sideways glances as you whip out your tech bits for a photoshoot for one? 

At the end of the day, you get to take home the shots that you otherwise wouldn't have, and those mems are what it's all about. Better to be *that guy* on vacay than the one with nothing to post on Insta, I say.

Thanks, tiny tripod that fits nicely in my handbag! Image: Supplied.

 5. Be alert but not alarmed.

Travelling on my own as a woman, I am always hyper-aware of anything that might go wrong. Or maybe that’s just my anxious brain. Or maybe it’s a fun little mix of both. But either way, there are a few smart steps to take to keep your solo holiday safe (without being super paranoid).

“When checking in to a hostel or hotel, ask the reception/concierge if there are any areas to avoid. And don’t be overconfident – have your wits about you whilst still taking in the experience and enjoying the moment!" says Luvena.


It can also be handy to know that someone back home has your back – and yes, I'm talking about booking your jaunt through a travel agent. “Booking with a travel agent who understands the considerations of travelling alone as a woman can be useful not only for deciding on destinations, but also having someone on call to help if something does go wrong,” suggests Luvena.

6. Download Google translate (and use it without shame).

When I'm in a new country, I like to know how to say hi, bye, please and thanks – because I just think that's polite. But it's unlikely my brain is going to take on an entirely new language before a trip, and that's where old mate Google Translate comes in... And it can serve as a little convo starter too. When I ordered a bottle of sparkling water in a little local restaurant in Santa Margherita Ligure last month, and the waiter looked at me blankly, I typed it into Google Translate... which he saw on my screen, read and laughed, saying, "Ah, I didn't hear you properly! You say acqua frizzante." 

A moderately cute moment was had by all and meant I was set to order in Italian come dinner time.

Aforementioned acquafrizzante + delicious Ligurian pasta dish. Image: Supplied 7. BYO... everything.


If you’ve ever been in a Fijian resort, an hour and a half down the coast from the main town, in need of a tampon… you’ll know why it’s vital to pack your own tampons. This happened during a women’s conference I was at and luckily it was… a women’s conference, so people were able to help out while the resort ordered some for its (single) shop. 

Period products, first-aid essentials like Bandaids, ibuprofen and paracetamol… take it all so you know you’re covered.

Feature Image: Supplied.

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