
Have you ever played 'Would You Rather?'





There is this game that is a favourite with my group of friends. We have been known to spend literally hours taking turns throwing ‘What Would You Rather’? scenarios at each other.

We are far from a high-brow group of gals, so the two option turn juvenile pretty quickly.

Often the questions asked are like “What would you rather, open mouth kiss Kevin Rudd or Alf from Home and Away? (I’d go Alf if you are playing along. Elsa didn’t seem to mind.)

What would you rather is a game Chrissie Swan and I often play too. However, we mutually decided never to play it together again after Chrissie was disgusted that I would opt to eat poo flavoured chocolate instead of poo that tasted like chocolate (which she very quickly chose). Um, SURELY you are winning if you are not actually eating excrement? We lost respect for each other that day, I adore Chrissie but the fact she opted to eat poo was upsetting and still doesn’t sit right with me.

I wasn’t mucking around when I said it gets really immature really quickly. My apologies for the poo chat.

I digress.

The other day when a ‘Would You Rather’ mini video popped up in my facebook news feed, I got a rush of excitement, similar to how my 2.5 year old feels when a new episode of Dora comes on the TV.

I watched and yelled my answers at the screen. I thought I had come up with every possible Would You Rather scenario over my solid 15 years of game playing, but this clip had some new ones, check it out here:

The Australian company Shout released this video last week and at the end of the clip asked, ‘Would you rather give your money to charity or the Government’?  This one was a no brainier. Way more mature than mine, but still a no brainer.

Shout is trying to change the way the world gives.  You can get involved by downloading the Shout For Good App. All donations made to any charity via Shout are tax deductable. So, if you make donations before June 30 you can claim your tax back straight away!

I urge you to download the App here and give away some of your loose change, after all, the cash will end up back in your pocket which means you can shout the snacks for our next round of What Would You Rather.

 So, which would you rather?

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Top Comments

KonundrumK 10 years ago

The comment "the cash will end up in your back pocket" is misleading

The amount you donate will reduce your taxable income, though you won't necessarily receive it ALL back unless your taxable income is less than $18200

For someone on a taxable income between $37000 and $80000 you will likely get back 32.5% of what you donated

Not trying to discourage anyone from donating, I just think we should all be aware of the facts

not to deter 10 years ago

I get a little fed up with people/ companies claiming things are 100% deductible or you can claim 100% of the donation (Which is true) but these statements are incredibly misleading, people assume this means they get 100% back which is more often than not incorrect as you clearly explained above.