
Wednesday's news in 5 minutes.

1. Bali widow rejects accused killer Sara Conner’s offer of a donation.

The wife of the Bali police officer who was allegedly killed by Sara Connor and her British boyfriend has rejected the offer of a “donation” by the mum.

Ms Conner, who has denied killing Wayan Sudarsa, read a statement to his widow Ketut Arsini in court.

In it the 46-year-old Byron Bay woman expressed her sadness at Mr Sudarsa’s death and offered Ms Arsini a “donation” of 25 million rupiah ($AUD2,500) to help her and her two sons.

“I feel great pain when I remember the tragedy,” Ms Connor said of the incident that occurred in August.

“I came to Bali on this little holiday, to relax … often I think, is it maybe destiny that wanted to change our lives so dramatically.

“I’m deeply sorry for you and your family now left alone without Mr Sudarsa to care for you and your children. You have been always in my prayers.”

Ms Arsini told the Depasar court she would not accept a donation.

“I don’t want to receive anything from her. I don’t want to receive a dime from her. I don’t want it,” she said.

2. Hunter Valley bushfire lit by arsonist.

Police have labelled two Hunter Valley bushfires as the result of arson as fire-fighters continue to battle the blazes that threatened dozens of homes yesterday.

The two fires in the area of Abermain and Neath, NSW forced families to flee their homes, while others were told to take cover inside their homes as the flames got too close, reports.

“At this stage we are treating it as arson and NSW Fire and Rescue are investigating,” a Rural Fire Service spokesman said.

Last night was forecast to be the hottest night in Sydney in 150 years, and temperatures are set to hit 39C again.

3. Australians to face internet price hike.

Internet prices will rise if the Federal Government decides to introduce a levy on telco companies to help pay for the NBN rollout in regional areas.

On Monday the government announced plans to legislate a Regional Broadband Scheme. This would see certain fixed-line broadband (non-NBN) providers face a monthly charge depending on the number of users they service.

Non-NBN companies such as  TPG (who also own iiNet) and Opticomm would be hit with the tax, while Optus and Telstra would be exempt.

However, the government has said both NBN Co and non-NBN “providers would pass the charge on to their end user base.

4. Donald Trump selects secretary of state, meets with Kayne West.

President-elect Donald Trump has had a big couple of days, selecting the highest position in his cabinet- secretary of state and also meeting with rapper Kayne West.

Trump has chosen Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson to lead the State Department, the position former US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton currently holds.

The 70-year-old has also met with Kanye West, who was spotted arriving at Trump Tower last night with an entourage.

It was not clear why the pair were meeting, but reports that Trump’s transition team has been trying to sign up high-profile musicians to perform at his January 20 inauguration.

Trump simply said the pair were “friends” who were discussing “life”.

“We’re just friends, just friends. He’s a good man. Going well. Long time. We’ve been friends for a long time,” Trump said.

West wanted the meeting to be public knowledge, telling media “I just want you to take my picture right now,” while standing next to Trump.

5. Syrian government forces kills women and children in execution-style.

At least 82 civilians, including women and children, have been killed execution-style in Allepo, Syria.

UN human rights office said it had received reports of pro-government forces killing at least 82 civilians including 11 women and 13 children in four different neighbourhoods in the former rebel stronghold of eastern Aleppo.

“We have also been informed that pro-government forces have been entering civilian homes and killing those individuals found inside,” spokesman Rupert Colville said, adding that other civilians have been detained.

A deal has been reached for rebel-fighters to leave Allepo. It comes one month into a Syrian army operation to recapture all of east Aleppo, which rebels had held since 2012.

6. Ben Cousins avoids jail time and is fined $2000.

Former AFL footballer Ben Cousins has been fined $2000 for breaching an violence restraining order and drug charges.

The former West Coast Eagles premiership player pleaded guilty to two drug offences and two breaches of a VRO in Armadale Magistrates Court on Tuesday, Channel Nine News reports.

However the 38-year-old pleaded not guilty to a separate drug charge dating back to June and a breach of bail offence for failing to appear in court in November. His lawyer Michael Tudori said he had a medical certificate for the absence.

Cousins breached the VRO his former partner Maylea Tinecheff had against him in October when he visited her and shouted for his children, aged three and five.

Magistrate Stephen Wilson told Cousins he had to stick with his current treatment program, which included him seeing a psychiatrist, and warned a further VRO breach could mean a mandatory prison sentence.

“You are absolutely no use to your children if you are absolutely wrecked,” he said.

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