real life

Hours before Connie Johnson died, she recorded this touching video for Carrie Bickmore.

Connie Johnson died of cancer more than a week ago and during that time her brother Samuel Johnson has been busy continuing her legacy and joining in with the extensive Love Your Sister community to honour her memory.

Last night, Samuel appeared on The Project to talk about what is next for him and his family. He also introduced Australia to the new fundraising campaign he developed with Connie before she passed away. The new initiative will help fundraise for cancer research through the sale of a range of socks, named after the sibling’s childhood nicknames for each other. The socks are available in two colours, pink “Connie Cotton Socks” and blue “Sammy Seals”. You can buy them (and donate) here.

While his appearance on The Project desk was both emotional and endearing, as all Sam’s appearances are when he talks about his sister and the community they have built together, he has now shared the fact that there was one thing he failed to do.

In a message posted on the Love Your Sister Facebook page, Samuel said he had intended to share a special video message from Connie to host Carrie Bickmore to thank her for all her ongoing support, but he became a bit "befuzzeld" and the video did not end up being played. And so, he is  now taking the opportunity to share it with all the villagers.

He wrote:

"I buggered up one of Connie's dying wishes. I'm not mad at myself though, coz perfection is unattainable and there's like 1000 of her wishes that I got right, but I got a bit befuzzled during last night's Project desk talky bit, and I literally forgot the ONE thing Connie sent me there to do on the day of her funeral - to bring this vid to Carrie. Carrie REALLY didn't want to make it about her at such a time, and was keen to look toward our 'sockularity contest', and even though I was under specific instructions from Con, it feels like it worked out ok? Besides, I can share it here in the village!
We have a glorious gathering of new villagers now, who might not understand the history, but without Carrie, me and Con really do believe that LYS wouldn't have made it far enough to have a village to speak of. On the last day Connie could talk, she asked me to film this for Carrie...these were literally some of her last words.
A village warning. This is confronting. But fuck it, we've always 'gone there' and we're not going to stop now. It's cancer. And besides, Connie said so."

Watch: Connie's thank you video to The Project host Carrie Bickmore. 


Connie Johnson was 40 years old when she passed away. She is remembered by her husband Mike, and two sons -Willoughby, now 11, and Hamilton, 10.

With the help of her brother Samuel, Connie became one of Australia’s most recognised, respected voices in the push for breast cancer awareness. Through her Love Your Sister charity, or ‘village’ as it has become known, she inspired countless women to “check their boobs” and raised over $4 million for medical research.

LISTEN: Samuel Johnson's raw interview with Mia Freedman following the death of his sister, Connie.

To support Love Your Sister - like them on Facebook or head to to donate.


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Top Comments

Janelle Claire Berner 7 years ago

Oh Connie, watching the message, seeing the strength it took out of you, I’m glad you didn’t have to suffer for longer after this. You will never be forgotten. Rest In Peace and thank you for all you did and were.

Me me me 7 years ago

The world lost and Angel and heaven gained one. RIP Connie. You have saved and changed many lives.