real life

Seven Year Switch's Ryan and Cass honour the memory of their stillborn son, Dex.


Seven Year Switch’s Ryan and Cass have just completed the annual charity run around Brisbane City, Bridge to Brisbane.

The pair participate every year to raise money and awareness around stillbirths. They do it to honour their son Dex.

“Another year down! Which sadly means another year without our baby boy,” their Instagram caption reads.

“We are coming up to 4 years in October and for us it doesn’t get much easier. So proud to honour our little boy each year by raising awareness and collecting donations for his cause.”

The picture shows Ryan and Cass approaching the finish line with their two children. A toddler is perched on Ryan’s shoulder and Cass carrying a baby harness.

Their matching shirts are printed:

“Stillbirth research and awareness. In loving memory of Dex Thistleton. 12 October 2012.”

Dex was the couple’s first born son. Cass went into labour at 37.5 weeks and, even though their son appeared healthy, he died only a few hours after being born. The reason behind his death is still a mystery.

Their pain has lead to a purpose.

A tribute to the babies we’ve lost and the significance of remembering their names. Post continues below video.

“On behalf of Dex, Thank you so much to those who joined us today, It’s such a beautiful thing to have family and friends take time out of their busy lives to remember Dex,” the caption continues.

“A massive thanks to all of those who opened their hearts and donated, you are the real heroes! Through your death we have found purpose. We love you Dex Gregory!”

Ryan and Cass are sending all funds directly to the Stillbirth Foundation, which conducts research and helps raise awareness around stillborn babies.

Feature image via Instagram.

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