
“My husband might divorce me once he sees it”: Roxy Jacenko on her new reality TV show.



Roxy Jacenko is not here to mess around.

The famed entrepreneur, business owner and author is now set to add ‘leading lady’ to her resume with her upcoming reality TV series I Am…Roxy!, which is launching soon as a part of Network Ten’s Pilot Week lineup.

While Roxy has previously dipped her toe into the reality TV pool, appearing on The Celebrity Apprentice in 2013, I Am…Roxy! promises to give viewers an unfiltered look into her real life, touching on everything from the inner workings of her business empire to her life at home with daughter Pixie, son Hunter and her husband Oliver Curtis.

It’s this insight into her marriage to Oliver that Roxy knows viewers will have a particular interest in. Oliver was jailed for insider trading in 2016, following a highly publicised court case, and the couple are now working side by side in the business, adding a whole new dynamic to their relationship.

Speaking to Mamamia’s The Spill podcast, Roxy warned that her relationship with Oliver is very different from what viewers might expect to see.

Listen to Roxy Jacenko give Mamamia’s daily entertainment podcast The Spill an exclusive look into her new reality TV show below.

“I think people will be surprised by the TV show because there’s this certain stigma about me that I’m this ruthless, Gordon Ramsay type person but actually I am not. I am just trying to run a f*cking business,” Roxy said on The Spill. 

“On the show you’ll also see that I am a mum so I don’t really go out so much because my time is spent with my family. You’ll also see what I feed the children for dinner and generally, it’s cupcakes. Mother of the year!

“There’s a lot of interest around Olly and my relationship, keeping in mind that I also work with him so I can’t shake the bloke. I have to drive to work with him, I have to sit with him at work, I have to drive home with him and then we have to sleep in the same bed.

“There will be a lot of interest in that and our relationship is very different from a lot of people’s relationships. I’m not particularly lovey-dovey. There were a few times when the producers said to me ‘do you actually like your husband?’ and I said, ‘Yes! But I can’t shake him’.”

According to Network Ten, the show “pries into Roxy’s everyday life behind her world of high glamour and outrageous excess”.

“Look, it’s a real and factual insight into my life, it’s not scripted reality,” Roxy confirmed on The Spill. “I’m not the girl who will say ‘feed me a line and I’ll say it on TV’ – that’s just not me. 

“If you like it you like it, if you loathe it you loathe it, I don’t really care.”

 I Am…Roxy! will premiere soon on Network Ten. 

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Top Comments

Zepgirl 5 years ago

> I Am…Roxy! will premiere soon on Network Ten.

I am simply breathless with excitement!

amblonyxx 5 years ago

I actually have no idea who this lady is...

But also not sure I'd brag about "mostly" feeding my children cupcakes for dinner.

Simple Simon 5 years ago

I first found out about this lady on 'Celebrity Apprentice'. I too had no idea who she was - which made the premise of the show quite confusing.

DP 5 years ago

It's all part of her PR spin, trying to make her relatable.