
Literally just the funniest Twitter reactions to Romy "kissing" the Honey Badger.


To keep up to date with The Honey Badger, AKA Nick Cummins, and all the best Bachelor 2018 news, cast and roses, check out our Bachelor hub. It’s a blast.

Something happened tonight.

Something so gloriously cringe-worthy it will haunt you until your dying day.

You see, on tonight’s episode of The Bachelor, Nick Cummins sprung a surprise date on Romy.

The Badgelor took her to his uncle’s pizza place and they made some pizzas together.

Badger said things like “strewth you’re a crackin sort” and “let’s have a yarn like two galahs on a tin roof”.

He then gave Romy a rose.

Romy took this as a sign.

A sign that she should attack his neck with her mouth.

She then continued to kiss the Badgelor as he scanned the room for the nearest exit.

It was weird and awkward and Honey Badger kind of liked it but also just wanted to eat his pizza.

Here's how Twitter reacted:

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