real life

19 people describe the moment they knew their relationship was over.


Some relationships die a slow and painful death. Some explode in a flash of drama.

But for most, with post-break-up hindsight, there’s a moment when you KNEW. You just KNEW. This isn’t working.

These moments were retold in a recent Reddit thread that asked ‘When did you realise your previous SO (significant other) was not the one?’

All the answers were sad, some were angry, and all tell a particular story.

Some talked about their realisation of their reluctance to spend time with their partner:

Others talked about the moment they felt their partner contributed to the break-up:

Many of the users felt they could relate to at least one of the explanations, while offering their own advice or thoughts on other user’s moments.

The result is a fascinating list of red flags that could provide a valuable insight into when it is time to end a relationship.

Take a look through some of the other times people knew their relationship was over:

When did you know that your relationship was over?

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Top Comments

Baffled 9 years ago

I knew it was over when my thankfully NOW ex-wife admitted to sleeping with her first cousin. Who does that? We aren't living in Victorian England. It's the 21st century.

Aussie Sabbath 9 years ago

Sounds like Universal Cereal Bus had commitment issues if he didn't like the idea of his girlfriend moving in with him.
As for me, the moment was when I realised he didn't give a shit about my feelings. He was completely focused on the uni student lifestyle and partying.
Luckily I have a great partner now and not a stupid little frat boy who refused to grow up. He unfortunately works at the same company as me and occasionally I'm reminded of his uselessness.

Aussie Sabbath 9 years ago

Might I add, he had Asperger's...never again!
He was thoughtless and unreasonable - I had to explain to him many times why his intended course of action would not be a good idea.
Clueless about my feelings , yet he understood his drinking buddies pretty well.
Stood me up because he saw something interesting on his computer.
Would often go to parties and made it very clear that I was not invited.
Just generally clueless about everything.

guest 9 years ago

Yep, my husband has Asperger's. It is not always fun.