
Is this the most racist ad of 2016?


Washing powder. A substance used for removing the toughest of stains, and even the colour of your skin. At least that’s what one Chinese company is claiming through its latest advertising campaign.

In what is possibly the most blatantly racist ad of the year (hell, maybe even all time) a young, attractive Chinese woman is seen in her apartment doing laundry before a paint-splattered black man appears, wolf whistling her.

The ad begins with the man whistling to the woman. Source: Youtube.

The woman beckons him over and the pair stand tantalisingly close. Then just like that, she throws him head first into the washing machine.

Stuffing his legs in, adding some Qiaobi powder and shutting the lid, the woman's problems are soon to be solved.

And then she throws him into the machine for a "clean." Source: Youtube. 

When the load is done, a shining Chinese man emerges from the machine, all his dark skin seemingly washed away using the incredible stain lifting might of the washing powder.

And in that state, the young woman suddenly deems him worthy of her affections.

The "clean" guy. Source: Youtube. 

See what I mean about the most racist ad of the year?

The ad is said to be based off an Italian commercial from years ago that had the reverse message. In it, a woman washed a white man with a colour treatment product, and by the end of the ad he came out black. The slogan for the colour treatment ad was "Colour is better."

They both sound a little off from where we're standing.

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Top Comments

Guest 2 8 years ago

It all comes down to the culture though and how closely they are related to the history of the issue.

This ad in the US would be an absolute outrage.
This ad in AUS would be an mild outrage.
This ad in Japan or South Korea might raise a chuckle.
This ad in China might be a harmless joke about washing powder.

Please stop judging every other culture solely through the lens of your white, first world Western standards culture.

Anonymous 8 years ago

Or maybe... And I know this is just a pipe-dream... People of all
cultures should learn to value all skin colors? or simply stop basing
worth on appearance?...

But until humanity realizes that some
cultural traditions are simply outdated in a global society... This kind
of "humor" is just going to continue.