User Comments

leah March 18, 2023

I actually think several of the comments you crowd-sourced are perfectly fine. Commenting that a baby's shape has changed now that they are moving a lot is... just an observation. It happens to all babies. I made a similar comment about my own baby. Once he started walking, he lost that round baby face and he's starting to look more like a little boy than a baby. And 'gee she eats a lot'? My daughter ate a lot for her age when she was a baby too. I wish my son ate as well as she did! Like.... it's just an observation. It's not a judgement. It's not shaming .

leah January 19, 2023

@simple simon she does, but when you're talking about big formal events it's a lot less likely.

leah January 19, 2023

let's be honest, how many of these do we think Catherine actually purchased? I bet many of them were given to her.

leah January 10, 2023

This is part of why I don't have a pet. I know they are expensive, and with two kids and a mortgage on a single income I would rather save what money we can for family holidays or human medical emergencies than be dropping $5000 on surgery for a dog. I don't blame vets for what they charge at all. Just look at what medical care costs for humans in the US where it isn't subsidised. $3000 for a cat surgery is nothing compared to the $250,000 for a human surgery and a few days in hospital.

leah October 31, 2022

Firstly: who the hell is pressuring a 17yo to settle down?? I grew up in a conservative Christian family and church and not even in that environment did I ever get that kind of pressure at that age.

That said: yes we often have to sacrifice something for the things we want most. That's normal. For men *and* women. You can't (normally) have everything you want, at least not at the same time. You need to identify your priorities. That's life.

leah March 30, 2021

Eh. Part of getting kids to do chores is teaching them life skills. It's not just about easing your burden. Not making them do chores does them a disservice. My MIL intentionally never made her boys do any housework (I think the only things they had to do was their own laundry and maybe vacuum their bedroom floor). As a result when we got married my husband was pretty useless in terms of domestic skills. My MIL has since literally apologised for not teaching her kids any house keeping skills.

leah February 14, 2021

I used to hate the fact that once my friends had kids they didn't really seem comfortable chatting to me anymore. As more and more of my friends became parents I felt like I was losing my friends. I was more than happy to hear about their babies and their life but they only seemed to want to talk to other parents. Fortunately my closest friends weren't like that. Now that I'm also a mum I make a point of still talking to my childless/single friends because I don't want them feeling the way I did.

leah February 14, 2021

"I'm not anti-child"
"I believe having children is inherently immoral"

Yeah I'm afraid you're going to have to pick one or the other. You can't get more anti-child than believing it's inherently immoral to have one. You ever gonna tell your nieces and nephews that you believe their existence is inherently immoral?

I honestly don't care if a person doesn't want to have children. Do what you want with your life. But saying that people who do are inherently immoral and narcissists? That's way judgier than anything I've ever heard someone say to someone who doesn't want to have kids.

Leah May 1, 2020

@Les Grossman oh FFS. That's not how it works. I know you wrote this comment two weeks ago but we've known for ages it wasn't going to track location. It can't be used to track criminal suspects. It simply records which other phones with the app you've been near (within 1.5m for 15+ minutes). Not to mention no federal government dept or agency is allowed to access the data - which is all fairly benign data anyway. And nobody ever said it's 100% hack proof because there is no such thing as hack proof. And they were never planning on making it mandatory.

Leah October 9, 2017

As if the hosts/esses need to be kept in the loop re: aircraft maintenance? I'm sure the water filters are maintained just like the rest of the aircraft - and besides, the water has been boiled.

Leah August 30, 2017

as much as I think jeremysheer's comment was unnecessary, so was yours. Just because a person has a different view on what sex is for doesn't mean they have 'a lot of sex-related issues' and need a therapist.

Leah July 23, 2017

"I could tell he hadn’t stalked me back because, if he had, he would have known I have an unhealthy addiction to pastries already. So this croissant conversation is moot."

Maybe he just knows how to pretend he doesn't already know that stuff about you? It's not hard to pretend you don't know about his sister or Melbourne, but still direct the conversation in that direction. "So, tell me about your family/do they live locally?"

Leah July 23, 2017

"I thought it was instinctive to show gentleness and care when handling another living thing"

Have you EVER seen a toddler interact with a newborn baby? Unless they have been around a lot of other babies, they have absolutely no concept that this baby is fragile and needs to be treated gently. I can't count the number of my friends who have had to pull their toddlers off a baby sibling because the toddler thought they were cuddling the baby. And if a child doesn't have any exposure to babies or animals until they are 4 or 5 I can definitely understand they might not have yet been taught the fragility of smaller living things. It's certainly something that has to be taught, rather than instinct.

Leah July 23, 2017

"When children bring about harm, it is more helpful to consider their intent, rather than the consequence of their physicality."

This, exactly. There is a difference between a child who doesn't understand how to treat an animal gently and so therefore inadvertently injures/kills it (expressing sadness and remorse afterwards), and a child who takes delight in causing pain to an animal.

Leah July 23, 2017

I'm nearly 30 and still friends with lots of people from highschool and uni. My old 'group' of friends from highschool, while I'd say we're no longer a 'friendship group', we do catch up once every few years. Some of them I don't like a lot anymore, but some of the ones I do like, still like them, so I can put up with them for the sake of a catch-up every five years or whatever. I also grew up in a church which I still attend after a few years away, so I'm still friends with many people I grew up with - some are still at the same church, some have moved away. Just this past weekend I attended two 30th birthdays of the two girls who were my best friends in highschool. We've known each other since we were born. I would no longer classify either of them as a 'best friend', but they are still very dear friends. The two girls who are my best friends I have known since high school.

My dad is in his mid-50s and one of his best friends (who he honestly probably doesn't see, these days, more than once every 5 years) has been his best friend since they were apprentices. My dad's other best friend (who lives less than a kilometre away from him and who was my surrogate uncle growing up) has been his mate since he was a teenager.

I get not everyone sustains long friendships and that's fine, but I'm uncomfortable with the implication that there is something wrong or weird about such long friendships.

Leah July 19, 2017

If she wants to cook dinner for her husband on their wedding day as a symbol of her devotion to him, who the hell cares?? Nobody's telling you you have to do it. Nobody is saying all those other things are not 'enough', but this is something Miranda wanted to do and there is nothing inherently wrong with that. If her husband was demanding it I'd be right on board with you but I HIGHLY doubt that is the case.

Leah July 16, 2017

"The idea that having ''lots and lots of drugs'' during labour is the only way to manage the sensation of having contractions is unhelpful"

Nobody said that having 'lots and lots of drugs during labour is the only way to manage' contractions. She author said that's what SHE wants.

Leah July 16, 2017

No, she didn't need to tell him, however she shouldn't need to hide it either. She wasn't going around advertising it, he ASKED her and she just answered his question.

Leah July 16, 2017

I'm going to say I agree I'm not a fan of tight outfits over pregnant bellies. There are so many beautiful ways to 'wear' a pregnant belly and I feel like skin-tight clothes being stretched over them is not one of them. I actually don't feel like Georgia's bump is even big enough to worry about that yet though, and certainly the caller was exceptionally rude about it - I don't think it's necessary to ever give a stranger fashion advice.

Leah July 16, 2017

I'm assuming they thought the flashing red lights would be a sufficient visual alert, but I can see that to a competitor who is focused on what they are doing/where they're moving next that they might not notice that.