
The Prime Minister came to Mamamia to answer your childcare questions


Well, the Australian Government knows who to ask and that’s Mamamia readers.

We’ve run news updates, posts and watched comment threads unfold as you discuss child care options and what works – and doesn’t work – for your family. Many Mamamia readers work in the industry and know firsthand what it’s like.

The Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Child Care Minister Kate Ellis came to Mamamia HQ last week to have that same conversation with you, answering your questions and replying to your comments live right here.

Ms Gillard told journalists

“I want to make sure that when we’re giving families extra support that that is making a difference to child care affordability for them,” she said.

The PM is in Sydney for a child care summit, talking directly to child care workers and unions to nail down policy details.

Ms Gillard said Labor had tripled the investment in childcare – to more than $22 billion – and had increased the child care tax rebate from 30 per cent to 50 per cent.

Now, she’s not looking for Dorothy Dixers or easy questions to answer. It’s up to you to ask the questions you need answered (politely, of course)! Tell the PM or Kate Ellis what it’s like for you. How could you be helped?

The PM was online last week however Kate Ellis will be coming back to answer your questions over the next few days.

So make sure you come back to get involved!

Fire away: what is child care like for you at the moment? How could you be helped? What isn’t working? What’s it like working in the industry? Do you have anything to do with the industry and want to share your thoughts?

NB: Remember, your experience counts. If you have something to say about balancing child care and work, let us know. But our usual comment rules apply. Stick to the topic. Keep your comments civil and polite. We can disagree as much as we like, but rude comments will be removed.

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Top Comments

Miriam tomlinson 12 years ago

i believe early childhood educators need a pay rise sooner rather than later as we have such high responsibilities in caring, educating, nurturing and building children's knowledge and we most definetly are the strong support for running this country by caring for there beautiful children while others work. Why are we treated like baby sitters when we are better and worth more than that of which our wage is so low. People need to understand the important role we take on as child educators and we need to be recognised.

Maddie's Mum 12 years ago

I have had my daughter on the waitlist on every day care in our area since I was 12 weeks pregnant, she will be one in 2 weeks and we still dont have a place. We have also just received a letter to say that there will be no places available for 2013, so basically my child will be at least 2 before she perhaps gets a local place, if she does, which means over 3 years on a waiting list at a minimum. As I was going back to work, I needed to enrol her in a centre close to the office in the CBD, this is $140 per day, and with the CCB capped at $7500 per year, which means we get the 50% rebate for 2 days per week, but after that child care is $140 per day! What choice do you have as a parent if you live in an area where there is simply not enough childcare places?