Where Is Celeste Barber's $51 Million Bushfire Fundraiser Money Going?

The Quicky

Mamamia Podcasts

Where Is Celeste Barber's $51 Million Bushfire Fundraiser Money Going?

When we watched Aussie comedian Celeste Barber's online bushfire fundraiser hit $50 million, we all cheered... and then the questions about where the money was going began.

We look at the breakdown of online fundraising, how the dollars go from the internet through the back end to the people who need it most and how this money might be expanding out from just benefiting the NSW RFS.


Host/Producer: Claire Murphy 

Executive Producer: Melanie Tait

Audio Producer: Ian Camilleri 

Thanks to our special guests Swinburne University's Centre For Social Impact, Industry Fellow Krystian Seibert and Country Women's Association Victorian President Marion Dewar.

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Australian Red Cross - https://australian-red-cross.giveeasy.org/australian-red-cross-disaster-relief-and-recovery

NSW RFS - https://www.rfs.nsw.gov.au/volunteer/support-your-local-brigade

Victoria RFA - https://www.cfa.vic.gov.au/about/supporting-cfa

South Australian CFS - https://cfsfoundation.org.au/

Red Cross Disaster Relief and Recovery Fund - https://www.redcross.org.au/campaigns/disaster-relief-and-recovery-donate

WIRES - https://www.wires.org.au/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAxrbwBRCoARIsABEc9sgYBKdwYwySeiKwQRFhkIpXThWqD8PoEt9g7E1TTjoxFseUAB0RNh4aApwLEALw_wcB

For more... you can find a comprehensive list here - https://www.mamamia.com.au/how-to-help-with-australian-bushfires/