
Going viral: The perks of being child-free.

Precisely 12 hours after getting married, most couple are asked that question. You know, the one about having kids? Because first comes love, then comes marriage and yada, yada, yada.

And that’s probably why this has been created. It’s a video for anyone who has ever asked you “Why haven’t you guys had kids yet?”

In a successful attempt at mocking the prescription drug commercials seen in the US (which spend 90% of the commercial outlining the side effects), this video looks at what the side effects would be if you didn’t have kids.

Can you relate?

Top Comments

Guest 11 years ago

If having kids is so bad and not having kids is so good why do people keep having them? Genuine question.

Karant60 11 years ago

can I also add that I agree this isn't a debate.
What is interesting though is that throughout my life, hundreds of people (predominantly women, and predominantly women with badly behaved children ha ha ha but it's true) have given me their opinion on my choice, and even said they felt sorry for me! Really??? I don't feel sorry for you- you made a choice too, as you have every right to do. Oh and by the way choosing not to use contraception is also a choice! I in return have not tried to convince them that their choice is wrong, though it has been a free for all the other way round. Have you ever been that person?