I have been trying to cut my son's hair for four months.
If that gives an image of me literally chasing him around the house with scissors, you've nailed it.
Weeks and months of trying to drag him into a hairdresser got me nowhere but mopping up meltdowns in shopping centres. He agreed to me trimming his fringe with the kitchen scissors at the start of term one, so that he could, you know, see. But since then, the mop has gone untouched and things are looking messy.
If my son sounds like a brat, that's on you. My boy is funny and kind and clever. He's also neurodiverse (I can hear you rolling your eyes, but here we are) and very specific. And he really, really doesn't want a haircut. Like many a parent before me I have arrived at: What's price sanity? The cost of a few of scathing looks and a lot of conditioner, apparently.
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