
Friday's news in under 5 minutes.

1. Miracle survival



A four-year old girl has miraculously survived a 30m fall from the eighth floor of an apartment complex on the Gold Coast.

The girl fell onto trees below the unit at Broadbeach after playing hide and seek with her babysitter.

A witness told Nine News that the little girl crawled out of the bushes after the 30m fall.

The ABC report that she broke her leg and suffered some abdominal injuries and was in a serious but stable condition at the Gold Coast University Hospital.

 2. Pistorius sentencing

The Oscar Pistorius sentencing has witnessed dramatic scenes as the sister of Pistorius left in tears after a man who has described himself as a hitman was accused of ‘mouthing obscenities’ at her.

Aimee Pistorius said she was “very intimidated” by the presence of a former boxer, Mikey Shultz who has previously confessed to the killing of a businessman but avoided prosecution as part of a deal.

reports that she was led away “shaking and sobbing” as the court broke up for lunch.

A sentence for Pistorius is not expected to be handed down till next Tuesday.

3. Air France Plane grounded over Ebola

A man – said to be a Priest who had been assisting Ebola patients in Africa – has been taken from an Air France plane in Madrid and escorted to hospital with a suspected case of Ebola.

The plane was grounded in Madrid. All passengers have now disembarked and the plane will be disinfected reports The Wall Street Journal.

Meanwhile a researcher at Yale University is in isolation after showing symptoms of the virus.

3. Clipboard Man

A man without a protective suit seen assisting the transfer of US Ebola patient Amber Vinson has been making waves in social media with questions being asked “ Who is #clipboardguy?”

In stark contrast with everyone else on the runway he wore no protective gear.

“Who’s the idiot with the clipboard” raged The Daily Mail’s headline.

While the world waited wondering how vulnerable the man was the question has finally been answered.

Phoenix Air told GMA that it’s best that at least one person on a medical crew not wear a hazmat suit.

“Our medical professionals in the biohazard suits have limited vision and mobility and it is the protocol supervisor’s job to watch each person carefully and give them verbal directions to ensure no close contact protocols are violated,”

“There is absolutely no problem with this and in fact ensures an even higher level of safety for all involved.”

The clipboard-carrying official didn’t appear to make any contact with nurse Amber Vinson.

4. Professor says Abbott is an “abo lover”

A Sydney University professor who was part of the Federal Government English curriculum review has a poked fun at “bogans”, “Mussies” and “Chinky-Poos”.

Barry Spurr has been exposed through a series of emails spanning the years 2012 to 2014.

He describes the Prime Minister as an “Abo lover” while describing Aboriginals as “human rubbish tips”.

New Matilda reports that the academic wrote in the emails of his concerns over Australia’s education system focusing on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island heritage. He preferred greater attention be given to Judeo-Christian culture.

“One day the Western world will wake up, when the Mussies and the chinky-poos have taken over,” he wrote.

Sydney University have responsed saying they do not tolerate racists, sexist or offensive language.

5. Frightening Nanny Cam

Warning: This post contains details of child abuse and the content and video may be distressing for some readers.

A terrifying video is going viral of a Nanny allegedly abusing one-year old twins – unknown to the parents she was working for – and all captured on nanny cam.

The Nanny has since been arrested and released on bail.

The children’s mother, from California, told ABC7 that she first became suspicious of her Nanny when her eight-year old told her the twins were being badly treated.

The unidentified mother said she found videos of the Nanny putting her hand over the mouth of her one-year-old son, and over the mouth of his twin sister.

“I’m angry inside, and I’m hurt and part of me feels guilty because I hired her,” the mother said.

If this brings up issues for you please contact the Child Abuse Prevention line on 1800 688 009.

Or Lifeline on 13 11 14.

Or Kids Helpline on  1800 55 1800

 6. Spiderman has burrowing spider living inside him.

A man from West Australia, Dylan Thomas on a holiday to Bali has had a spider burrow itself and move through his chest.

You have to see it to believe it.

For more read this post here.

7. Baa-Baa black sheep blacklisted

The Herald Sun reports that the nursery rhyme Baa, Baa, Black Sheep has been altered in some Victorian kindergartens over concerns of racists and sexist connotations.

The newspaper reports that childcare centres in the south-eastern suburbs have changed the traditional rhyme to reflect a multicultural community- as well as altering the line about the boy so as not to seem sexist.

Some childcare centres say they try to spice it up.

Celine Pieterse, co-ordinator of Malvern East’s Central Park Child Caretold The Herald Sun “We try to introduce a variety of sheep.”

8. Inquiry launched after jockey death

The death of a young female jockey – the second in a week – has promoted a call for an inquiry.

19-year old Caitlin Forrest died after a four-horse fall at South Australian track Murray Bridge on Wednesday.

Her death comes just days after 25-year old Queensland jockey, Carly-Mae Pye died from injuries suffered in a barrier trial fall.

Trainer Lee Freedman told News Limited that the deaths of five female jockeys in the last two years was a “human disaster” that should tell administrators “something was very wrong.’’

He blamed it on” Australia’s culture of tight, competitive “macho’’ riding” and said that something had to change or more jockeys would die.


 9. Domestic Violence app

A new app has been launched to help women in need suffering from domestic violence.

The smartphone app Re-focus, launched by the Women’s Legal Service, assists women escaping abusive relationships.

Re-Focus is a free App which covers legal information about domestic violence, arrangements for children, financial and property matters, options for reaching a legal agreement, and safe accommodation.

It can be accessed here .

 10. Family sent SMS from Granny’s grave

A family in the UK were shocked to receive text messages from their dead grandmother who had been buried three years earlier.

The family had been sending messages to her for comfort.

Granddaughter Sheri Emerson says she was left horrified when she received a message saying “I’m watching over you and it’s all going to get better. Just push through”.

This was followed by a second message after she asked who it was, saying “a disturbing vegetarian”.

She told The Shields Gazette “I felt sick when I read it. I was in shock and didn’t know what to think”.

They eventually rang the phone and discovered it was a man who had been using the number for a few weeks.

He said that he thought the texts were hoax messages from friends and he had been given the number by a different phone company.

The original phone company said if a number is disconnected it is placed in a general pool of numbers for recycling.

11. Apple launch

Apple have launched their iPad Air 2, iPad Mini 3 and an iMac with Retina ‘5K’ display – along with a host of new features.

CEO Tim Cook told the crowd that the IPad Air 2 is even thinner than the original iPad Air and has Touch ID for the first time.

He also announced that its next update for iOS 8 will be rolling out on Tuesday and will include some new features such as an iCloud Photo Library.

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Top Comments

anon 10 years ago

The professor claimed his emails were a private gag between he and his friend where they would try to outdo each other with the most outrageous and extreme language, in jest, and they were hacked. This is the real crime.

This is the same argument as the Jennifer Lawrence hacked photos - is she entitled to privacy or should she not be doing it in the first place in case she gets hacked?

Are we entitled to privacy at all or do we need to be told what to do and think in our private lives?

Luxxe 10 years ago

Same pair of scum journalists who talked a young student into risking a jail sentence by hacking her employer's website looking for details about Tony Abbott's daughter's student status.

RKon 10 years ago

5. I marvel at the self-restraint of the mother who confronted the nanny. My blood is boiling after witnessing this lady's precious babies being abused - if it had been my own babies, my fury would have spilled out and I would have surely physically hurt this child abuser posing as a nanny. (assuming that the kids were not watching)