
Fluff: Megan Gale's baby bump photos are making us all jealous.

Now Megan Gale’s just showing off. The 38-year-old Aussie supermodel has posted this photo of her growing baby bump on instagram.


And here she is on The Today Show, with Ben Fordham and Karl Stefanovic. Who are worshiping her. (Where are our suited-up man worshippers, huh?)


And this is the excessively handsome man – 25-year-old Shaun Hampson – who will be the father of Megan’s child.

Genetic lottery: WON.

Colin Farrell is scared of having sex sober

Colin Farrell

The handsome Irish Saving Mr Banks actor, 37, told Elle magazine that monogamy might not be possible for him, that sex tapes are embarrassing and that sex in the afternoon light is terrifying. Keep in mind that in the past, Farrell’s been linked romantically to Angelina Jolie, Britney Spears, Demi Moore, and even Elizabeth Taylor.

Farrell has been extremely open about living with drug and alcohol addiction and his many rehab visits. His favourite hobby for many years has been seducing women with his perfectly casual facial hair and Irish accent.

Now that he’s clean and sober, sex is a lot scarier. “I made love to a woman about two and half years after I got clean, and it was one of the most terrifying moments of my life,” Farrell said.

“It was in the afternoon. The windows and the curtains were open. It was lovely, and to be crass, it wasn’t f**king. She was very gentle. But it was terrifying.  Because I was just used to drunkenness and dark rooms and clubs and toilets and wherever.”

And, unsurprisingly, the actor’s not convinced monogamy is really his thing. “For me, I don’t know if it’s possible,” he admitted. “I’m not saying it’s not possible. I have been monogamous in relationships. But I’m not in a relationship now. So they haven’t worked. So it wouldn’t stand up in court.”

Ben Affleck and Matt Damon want to be your friend.

Ben AffleckMatt Damon

The original Good Will Hunting bromance is back in business for a TV show, which just made the world we live in approximately 20% more delightful.

The boys are auctioning off a double date to raise money for Affleck’s Eastern Congo Initiative and Damon’s water.org.

The winner gets to fly to LA and hang out with the Oscar-winning buddies for a night.

The charity site Omaze.com have advertised the prize as your chance to learn “what it’s like to act, write, grow up in Boston, play poker, vacation, get named Sexiest Man Alive, win Oscars and be epic … all with your best friend.”

Here’s just a little insight into how glorious that would be…

Creator of Tinder tells Olympians to focus on going for gold, not sex.

Yesterday we brought you news that Winter Olympians in Sochi were, um, sharing body heat to stay warm given it’s so snowy hooking up shamelessly thanks to dating app Tinder. Gold medalist Jamie Anderson gushed that “Tinder in the Olympic Village is next level … There are some cuties on there,” before deleting her account because it was too distracting.

And now Tinder co-founder Justin Mateen has a message to all Olympians: Stop shagging and focus on sport, guys.

“Tinder is a great way to meet new people when you’re traveling and want to get the most out of your experience in a new city, but for now, focus on giving it your all while competing…. Tinder will always be here when you’re done.”

Sage words indeed.

Claims that Julia Roberts’ sister planned her suicide to sabotage Julia’s Oscar bid.

A shocking new twist has emerged following the tragic death of Julia Roberts’ half-sister Nancy Motes, 37, on Sunday.

Mote, who was found dead on Sunday surrounded by prescription and illegal drugs, apparently timed her suicide to interfere with Julia’s chances of winning an Oscar and to injure the A-lister’s image.

Mote’s fiance’s brother Conner Dilbeck made the bizarre claims in an interview on Tuesday, also revealing Nancy that left a five-page suicide note directed largely at the starlet.

Nancy had previously spoken out about her relationship with her famous half-sister, in particular describing her feelings of intimidation and embarrassment at growing up in Julia’s family.

She told The Sun last year:

“I think that growing up as Pretty Woman’s little sister has definitely made me try to see the person inside and not the person outside. A lot of my life I felt judged for my weight.”

Sharknado is back, with all your favourite D-grade stars

Holy flying sharks! The worst/best movie of all time has just landed a sequel.

Yep, Sharknado is back.

We’re not entirely sure how a second movie could possibly top the first, a patently ridiculous film about a deadly tornado filled with sharks that can only be killed when a bikini babe throws a bomb into the wind from a helicopter. But we’d like to see them try.

Meanwhile, the cast is basically a Who’s Who of Almost-Famous People. Kelly Osbourne will play a sassy flight attendant. Andy Dick will be a New York city police officer, Judd Hirsch will be a cab driver. And yes, Tara Reid is back to reprise her original role alongside Ian Ziering.

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Top Comments

Guest 11 years ago

I'm always bemused when I see prospective first-time mums bathed in the earth-mother glow of pregnancy, belly-cupping their bumps all the way to tomorrow. I did that too - well, only in private.

Pregnancy can be a lovely time, especially with your first, when it's all fantasy and no reality. A baby in the womb is the most peaceful little thing who kicks cutely and never cries. In your mind, your child is always going to be the 'good' baby who sleeps all the time and cries only when it's hungry.

They have no idea what they're in for when bubba is born! Feeling torn in half from sheer exhaustion, acute soreness from head to toe, stinging sleep deprivation, and being flooded with the 'what do I do now?' confusion that constitutes 99% of your daily thinking - to the point where many can't even really enjoy their baby. I think it's only when you've got a bit of distance from those first crazy weeks/months that you truly appreciate your baby.

Keeping expectations low is a great way to handle the shock new motherhood has on your system, for better or worse.

Guest 11 years ago

Colin Farrell is lovely!