real life

Men who marry younger women live longer. You? Not so much.

In some obscure German study that I suspect was paid for by Rupert Murdoch, it’s been revealed that men who marry younger women than them increase their life expectancy. Sadly, the women in these relationships increase their chance of dying early by 30%.

Clearly, it’s hard work bonking an elderly man. Blame Viagra.
I went on The Today Show yesterday for some lighthearted banter with Karl about this study and to discuss the idea of May/December romances….you can see the clip here…..

This story reminded me of a news report I read last week about a 22 year old woman who is divorcing her 84 year old husband because she ‘cant’ keep up with his lifestyle’. Here they are on their wedding day…..

According to news reports from Pittburgh:

Outrageously expensive shoes and handbags are just some of the trappings from the days Georgi spent living the good life with Hardy, whom she met while working at his Nemacolin Woodlands Resort spa in March 2007.”He would tell me, ‘If you see something you like, get four or five of them,’ and, I would say, ‘I cannot do that. These are Chanel sunglasses, I cannot get four or five pairs,'” Georgi said. Georgi said the relationship began as a friendship — a very generous one, which included a Porsche as an Easter present to her. The next gift was a wedding ring.”It wasn’t, like, very romantic or anything like that,” she said. “It was just, like, here, do you like this ring? And I was like, ‘Yeah,’ and he was like, ‘It’s yours,’ and it was inscribed and all that.”

Despite their 62-year-age difference, Georgi said that Hardy “made it seem like a win-win situation.He just made it seem like, literally, you don’t have anything to lose, you will have the world at your fingertips, and he promised me the world.”For a while, Hardy delivered. His new bride enjoyed worldwide travel that summer to Budapest, Madrid, Paris, Italy and London, and her 2-year-old son, Matthew, got a pet tiger.

The lavish lifestyle could not overcome the newlyweds’ incompatibility. Georgi said they divorced because Hardy’s life was too fast for her – not because of their difference in age. The couple announced their divorce in August 2007 and approved by a judge in April 2008.”Everyone asks, ‘Wasn’t it weird?'” Georgi said. “It really wasn’t because he was very young at heart. So, he was very hard for me to keep up with … When you climb on your own jet for the 10th time and everything in four days — Europe was crazy — and we were in each place for a day and a half. It was a bit too fast-paced for me,” Georgi said. 

Georgi said she left the relationship with some money, but she believes that size of the settlement vindicates her.Georgi said the demands of such a lavish life took her away from her first love, saying she chose Matthew over marriage.”As a mother, I can actually sleep every single night, and every single night I have this feeling of such pride in myself, and I am so proud of the decision that I made,” Georgi said.The decision cost her. A prenup limited Georgi’s post-marriage payout.”I think if anybody who had anything to say about me being all about money had read the prenup, they would have changed their minds instantly,” Georgi said.

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Top Comments

GlitterMixedWithRockNRoll 15 years ago


KerriSackville 15 years ago

I'm sure she divorced him because she couldn't keep up with his lifestyle. God knows many of my previous relationships have ended because I couldn't bear the expensive gifts and overseas holidays they were forcing on me.