
Comedians Joel Creasey and Rhys Nicholson are fighting about who loves marriage equality more.

Comedians Joel Creasey and Rhys Nicholson are currently engaged in a fight about who loves marriage equality more.

Don’t worry though – it’s all for a good cause.

Audible have teamed up with a whole host of Aussie celebs including Creasy, TV presenter Osher Gunsberg and author Damon Young to launch a six-part audio series exploring marriage equality, produced in partnership with the Equality Campaign.

The promotional video (playing above, it's a must watch) for the series features Creasey, Nicholson and actress Rosie Lourde arguing about 'who loves marriage more' as well as breaking down the reasons why marriage equality shouldn't even need to be debated.

"It's f**king 2017," says Lourde.

Listen: Mia Freedman talks to Jayson & Aaron Brunsdon about their fatherhood journey. Post continues after audio.

“Our goal out of this content primarily is ‘How do we educate our listeners better?’ ‘How do we reach out to a broader group of listeners in Australia?'” Matthew Gain, country manager and head of Audible Australia and New Zealand told Mumbrella.

“That’s why we are making this content free, so we can educate and make a more intelligent society here in Australia.”

The reception so far has been great.

One couple who feature on the series are long-time gay rights campaigners and partners for over 50 years Peter Bonsall-Boone and Peter De Waal. The pair had the first same-sex kiss on Australian television which resulted in Bonsall-Boone getting fired from his job at his local church.

Heartbreakingly, he died last month aged 78 after a long battle with cancer, meaning he was never able to achieve his dream of marrying De Waal.

"You'd have to be a complete monster to deny people like Pete and Boone the chance to get married, especially since he's passed," Creasey told the Sydney Morning Herald.

"These pollies and people fighting against marriage equality need to take a long, hard look at themselves."
You can listen here.

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Top Comments

Neil Aitchison 7 years ago

The "Listen To Love" clip is a propaganda stunt and has nothing to do with same sex marriage - homosexuals already have equal opportunity to legally marry in the same way as heterosexuals, but they choose not to (it is their choice), and they are not being denied a "right to marry" because even heterosexuals cannot marry same sex partners - their is no right to marry same sex how can they be denied it?....they can't. Homosexuals are seeking redefinition of the word "marriage" to make their homosexuality look acceptable - there is no equality involved, nor rights involved, nor love involved, nor anything else involved. The propaganda slogans are simply emotive stunts to blackmail us into accepting their alternate reality. Even the people who made this "Listen To Love," clip are called "Emotive" is all emotion and no substance.

Equality already exists, rights already exist, love already exists, non-discrimination already exists....but the definition of Marriage in the Marriage Act is only for opposite sex couples. So SSM activists are wanting the redefinition of marriage....nothing more. It changes marriage into something new that departs completely from the millennia-old institution of marriage designed for heterosexual biological parents to procreate and raise children in a safe and healthy environment - every civilisation since the dawn of time has had heterosexual marriages as the pillar of society for their success and prosperity - every other sort of "marriage" is less. Can you image homosexuals wanting "equal rights" to use the word "heterosexual"?....NO, because the two don't mix and so too, the word "marriage" is intrinsically heterosexual because only heterosexual biology can do marriage. Same sex marriage is completely different because it is solely a sex/love/lust/romance-based concept to make homosexuality look acceptable using governments to register their "marriage" on a government if that is all marriage is about. This has never been done before in the history of humankind and it trashes marriage beyond recognition. If the homosexuals get their "marriage", then they destroy what they want by getting what they want.

Guest 7 years ago

You have a very literal, black and white view of the world. If you dont believe in same sex marriage, dont have a same sex marriage. How does some one else's relationship impact you personally. Your arguement would have more weight if heterosexuals treated marriage as a sacred union but lets be honest- adultery and spousal abuse are rife. Its not the holy union people like you make it out to be

Sheena 7 years ago

"homosexuals already have equal opportunity to legally marry in the same way as heterosexuals"


"Same sex marriage is completely different because it is solely a sex/love/lust/romance-based concept"

Because lord knows, no heterosexual ever married because of love, lust etc.

Rush 7 years ago

Genuine question here. How will allowing gay people to marry each other actually affect anyone else's life? Marriage is not only for procreation and the raising of children, there are plenty of married couples who don't have children - including my husband and I. And plenty of gay couples who do have (perfectly happy, well adjusted) children. How does gay people marrying 'destroy' marriage for the rest of us? Plenty of gay people all over the world have married, and society hasn't disintegrated, why do you think it would be different here?

Sophie Song 7 years ago

Are children raised in a safe environment if one parent is violent and abusive to the other? Cause this is common under YOUR definition of marriage.. So is the single parent family- a common result of divorce from a marriage that started under YOUR terms.. and what about infertile couples? Should we revoke their marriage certificates? The marriage act has only specified about gender since John Howard changed it.. that's what- 15 years out of it's history spanning millennia?! Marriage is about much more than raising children (something that same sex couples can also successfully do, mind you) and noone is trying to change it to validate homosexuality since homosexuality is already a completely valid sexuality. Your dinosaur scales are showing.