
Mamamia's new comments section, and what it means for you.

Mamamia has made some pretty big changes to its comments section recently, and we wanted to take the time to explain why we’re making these changes, and where we’re going from here.

Mamamia’s comments have been hidden behind a “Leave a comment” button for many years due to restrictions around the technology we used. We are now surfacing the top 2 comments at the bottom of the article, without a need for a click. We hope increasing the visibility of your comments will help get your message across to more people, and in turn allow for more conversations to take place. The rest of the comments are still there, you just need the click the blue “More Comments” button below the top 2.

As always we really appreciate what you’ve got to say, and we’d love to hear from you in the comments section below this article about what you think. If there’s a feature missing that you absolutely loved, or something you’ve always wanted, please let us know!

We’re hoping to expand Mamamia’s community features even more in the future. Now that our readers can have a Mamamia user account, we’re going to be introducing some great new interactive functionality. For starters, we have the new “Contributions” system, allowing our readers to upload their own images, videos and audio to join our own.

If you want to know about Mamamia’s commenting policy, you can find out more here.

We can’t wait to build an even closer relationship with you.

Check out of first “Contributions” article here, and keep your eyes peeled for many more.

Let us know below what you think of Mamamia’s new comments section. 

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Top Comments

mamamia-user-482898552 2 years ago 2 upvotes
Some uniformity and transparency in the application of your "commenting policy" would be appreciated. Quite often comments that are completely in keeping with the policy are still not published. I don't think constructive criticism of editorial content is "insulting the host" - a robust media outlet should be able to back its decisions and content, rather than deleting comments carte blanche that are critical or that offer a different point of view to that of the author.

newtownsoul 2 years ago
Wow the Rhianna / Johnny Depp podcast comment that he is "an old man" is disappointing. He is 59. No hope for us in our 50's then?