
Eve's parents were told to say goodbye to their day-old daughter. But she lived.

Imagine giving birth and being told you’ll never be able to take your child home.

This is what happened to baby Eve’s parents. Her mother Hiam had a complicated birth in 2014. Eve survived delivery, but was placed on life support immediately.

Hiam and her husband Joe were told to say goodbye to their baby girl. Doctors told them Eve was to be taken off life support the next day.

Heartfelt – an organisation that organises photographers for stillborns, premature babies, or infants with serious and terminal illnesses – organised a photo shoot with Eve and her parents. In the shoot, the couple clutch their beautiful baby girl, overflowing both with love for their daughter, and devastation at the fact they have to let her go the very next day. The photographs of the grieving family are, quite simply, heartbreaking.

But now, it's two years on and Eve is still with us. After a remarkable recovery, she beat the odds and is a beautiful, thriving little girl.

But Eve has Cerebral Palsy and requires 'Magic Shoes' to help her walk.

The cost of producing these essential assistive devices is currently huge. And that huge cost makes them inaccessible for millions of kids that need them. On top of that, wait times for the shoes can be up to 12 months.

That's where AbilityMate comes in. The Sydney-based company are pioneering the design and development of 3D printed technology that could produce the shoes in just 48 hours. This has the potential to make the life-changing devices available to kids worldwide.

The new technology has the potential to change the lives of little kids like Eve. And any other kids with mobility issues.

You can help change the lives of angels like Eve by donating to #AbilityMate here.

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