
"My ex-boyfriend tried to date my twin sister." Married at First Sight bride shares her dating horror story.

With the newest season of cult dating (marrying?) show Married at First Sight soon to hit our screens, two of the contestants have spoken about the reality of being identical twins and operating within the same dating pool.

31-year-old Perth twins Michelle and Sharon will appear in a double wedding together when the fourth season of the show starts on Monday, and have told the story of how the ex-boyfriend of Michelle once tried to date Sharon, too.

Speaking to The Fix about the ordeal, Michelle said it’s lucky the duo have an unspoken agreement that whenever the other begins dating someone, they instantly consider them a “brother”.

“When I was 18 years old I was dating this guy for maybe two months, and it was Christmas time,” Michelle said.

“For Christmas, he not only got myself a bracelet, he got my sister a bracelet as well, which was really cute. It had this little chain with ‘Michelle’ written on it, and this gold chain with ‘Sharon’ written on it. I was like, ‘Wow, this is really, really sweet’.

Listen to The Recap, where we recap the first episode of the new season of Married at First Sight. Post continues after audio.

“But when we broke up, his friend told me that he bought Sharon a bracelet in case it didn’t work out with me. He’d already started the wooing process with my sister.”

Proving there will be no issues between the two when they walk down the aisle together, Sharon said she was not interested in the slightest in the man Michelle was dating.

Together, the duo co-run their own new wine business, while Sharon also runs a cleaning business which Michelle works for.

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