
One Love Actually romance was actually very nearly real.

Turns out sparks were flying between two Love Actually costars behind the scenes. Adorably, they were the casts youngest lead characters: Olivia Olson and Thomas Sangster.

If you’ve never seen Love Actually (where have you been?) Olson and Sangster portray the adorable tweens Joanna and Sam respectively. Sam has a crush on Joanna and decides to impress her by learning the drums so he can perform with her at the school Christmas concert.

Driven by the power of love, Sam learns the drum part to Mariah Carey’s iconic holiday song ‘All I want for Christmas is you’ and they perform it together at the concert. As if learning a musical instrument wasn’t enough of a romantic gesture, Sam then chases Joanna through the airport so he can say goodbye to her before she moves back to America with her family. Joanna then gives him a super cute kiss on the cheek.

While Sam was fearful that Joanna did not return his feelings, the actress who played Joanna was the one with the real-life crush.

“It was my first kiss and on-screen kiss too,” Olivia Olson told Teen Vogue. “I was really nervous because I kind of had a crush on Thomas back in the day and I was also worried because I was taller than him.”


I guess all Olson wanted for Christmas was her co-star? Sorry, couldn’t help myself.

Love Actually fans would recall that Olivia Olson had an incredible singing voice as a youngster. Now she has a new musical project on the way. Fingers crossed it includes a carol or two.

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