reality tv

The clue that Bachelor in Paradise's Laurina and Apollo may be dating.

Oh, hello.

We’ve got a lil’ bit of Bachelor in Paradise goodness for you.

You see, on Sunday night some of the bachie folks appeared on Family Feud together.

Jarrod Woodgate, Michael Turnbull, Davey Lloyd and Apollo Jackson went up against Laurina Fleure, Tara Pavlovic, Lisa Hyde and Florence Sophia.

Grant Denyer was there doin’ Grant Denyer-y things and in between guessing some pretty basic questions, the Bachie alum dropped a few hints about what might have gone down in paradise.

More specifically, who might have hooked up with who.

The first hint came when Denyer asked Laurina what she was looking for in a guy.

“OK, I want a man who’s spiritual, compassionate, caring, affectionate, gentle, loving, tall, dark, and handsome,” the 34-year-old explained.

The camera then… panned… to… Apollo.

Later in the show, Denyer asked Apollo whether he was still sleeping in a single bed… to which he replied, “No, no”.

He then explained that before Bachelor in Paradise, he hadn’t been on a date since he was on The Bachelor vying for Sophie Monk’s heart.

“I’ve just been sort of focusing on family and career and stuff,” the 24-year-old said. “Done a bit of travelling, so.”

Apollo then told Denyer he was looking forward to connecting with someone (*cough* Laurina *cough*) in paradise (obviously they’re pretending that they haven’t yet filmed the show).

“Yeah, I think, one thing, when you do what I do for work, you’re just always travelling, so I never get that time just to focus on connecting with someone, finding a relationship. You know, you’re like, a few weeks here or a few days here, and then you’re off again.

“So, to just have 24 hours away on an island, no phone, no work, no distractions, just to try and connect and see if you can find love. It was just perfect for me.”

It sounds like it could be a match made in Bachie paradise. We can feel it in our waters.

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