
Prepare yourselves, Kitty Flanagan wants to ruin your kid's childhood. Again.

First it was Santa Claus, now she’s taken aim at other magical characters.

Who can forget the time that comedian Kitty Flanagan broadcast loud and clear into your living room that *gasp* Santa Claus isn’t real. The sound of children’s dreams being shattered echoed across the nation (for any kids reading this, Santa Claus is 100% real).

And Flanagan certainly isn’t sorry for her on-air stuff up on The Project, because now she’s taking aim at other fictional characters.

The Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy (despite what you may next read kids, they are 100% real too). “I’ll complete the trilogy,” Flanagan told The Daily Telegraph.

“The whole thing was incredibly silly. That’s the only word for it. I’m actually a bit embarrassed for all those people who felt the need to go on social media to declare how upset their children were and reveal how it took them ‘hours’ to calm them down," she said.

Except the people at The Project didn't find the situation comical, as the apologies on social media and arranged for host Carrie Bickmore to interview Santa himself the following night. Actions which Flanagan wasn't happy about.

“I think it’s a real shame The Project felt the need to apologise, because really, there was nothing to apologise for,” she continued.

“It’s a news show, I’m a comedian. If I say something that upsets your small child, who is watching a news program, you simply turn to them and say, ‘Oh, don’t listen to her, she’s an idiot!’ Surely a parent’s words carry more weight than mine.

“Also my segment was actually about how university research money is wasted on the ‘science of Santa’,’’ she said. “I certainly did not go on television and Grinch it up in a deliberate attempt to upset children. I mean, come on, I’m an idiot but I’m not evil.”

Sorry Kitty, but that's kinda how you came across.

SCROLL THROUGH the gallery for more pictures of Kitty Flanagan...

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"Kitty Flanagan, you don't have kids. So, yes, your parenting advice is worthless."

"If Santa's naughty list is real, I hope this woman is on it."

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