
The 6 most disturbing fan responses to Josh Duggar's sexual assault confession.

With fans like these…

The Duggars have received a lot of support since an American magazine outed their son Josh, 27, as a teen sex offender, who molested five under-age girls over 10 years ago (you can read more about the case here).

The family made three statements on their Facebook page – one from parents Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar, one from Josh Duggar and one from Josh’s wife, Anna. The statements are a fascinating study in spin, but it is the public’s response which really shows where the public’s hearts and minds are (hint: it’s not on the victims of the abuse).

Here are just a few of the extraordinary ways in which fans are justifying Josh Duggar’s crimes and the family’s decision to cover it up.

1. It was Satan’s fault…

“Prayers for your family. Satan isn’t picky when it comes to seeking whom he may devour. We support and love your family. Your family is a beacon of Gods love. You have encouraged me over the years to be a better wife and mother and now I hope to encourage you in knowing that your family is being lifted in prayer. Thank you for serving the Lord as you do!”

“Praying for your family!! My heart breaks for you & the storm the devil is trying to unleash on you. I, sadly, am all to familiar with this issue.”

“You guys are a light in this dark world. Satan hates to see us do good and he will do whatever he can to bring us down. You guys are a strong family and an example of graces. Praying for your family as you walk through the journey ahead.”

“When Satan reminds you of your past remind him of his future. Love you guys very much.”

2. People make mistakes!

“Full support and prayers for your family!! No-one is scandal …we all make mistakes!! Unfortunately you have people who want to.see you fail….I remain a dedicated Duggar fan and look forward to the joy you all bring to my life with your show. I am even more impressed you face these issues and stand stronger and shine brighter as a family…”

“God forgives anyone who asks to be forgiven. Your son has asked for his forgiveness and therefore he has been forgiven. He is a child of a wonderful God.Put this behind you and look forward to your futures. I for one love your family and your T.V. Show. You all are blessed in my opinion!!!!”

“It is very sad that you would even have to speak about his past, past is past for a reason. Everyone makes mistakes and he clearly fixed them. No family is ever perfect! You are a great family and God bless you all. Media and money hungry people trying to get paid for any story need to leave people alone and stop putting their business out there, no one should think differently of your family or Josh because of a mistake he made over 10 years ago! Come on people grow up and get a life worth living!!!”

“This is terrible, but just because he’s in the public eye doesn’t give ANYONE the right to expose someone else’s past mistakes!! That’s who i worry about!! This was a family matter that was NONE of anyone else’s business! The guy took responsibility for his actions and asked for forgiveness from his family and from God!! I love this family, I’m a loyal fan and will continue to be loyal fan! Let’s find more important issues to splash all over the media instead of trying to rub someone’s nose in their dirty laundry! What goes around, comes around! God Bless you, Josh, Anna, Mr & Mrs Duggar & family!! My prayers are with you all!!”

3. Well, at least he admitted it…

“I still think y’all are wonderful people. It takes an honorable person to stand up and admit what Josh did and face what he will now have to face. My prayers are with you and your whole family as this unfolds and then eventually fades away, as it will. God will get you through as He always does. Josh and Anna, Be strong and hold tight to God and each other. You have many behind you. Love you and your family.”

“it is such a shame that we live in a world that the few are out to destroy those that are chrisitians. Josh is a christian, he lives his life as a chrisitian, did he make a mistake? yes? at least he sought help, he told his parents, he got counseling, he has moved passed it, he has been forgiven. Now he has been forced to resign from his job and lose his source of income that supports his family because of the evil of some people in this world. Just so sad.”

“He was a KID for goodness sakes!!! YES, he did wrong BUT he owned up to it and addressed the problem!! I HAVE NOT lost any respect for him or his family!!I look forward to the show CONTINUING!! Those of you judging him or the family look back at YOUR early teen years and say you did NOTHING wrong!! LET HE WHO IS WITHOUT SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE!! TO THE DUGGERS : I LOVE ALL OF YOU AND LOOK FORWARD TO YOUR SHOW CONTINUING. BEST SHOW ON TV!! I AM A TRUE FAN heart emoticon”

4. Hey, they did their best!

“Praying for you all, it sounds very much like this was dealt with sensitively at the time. We all make mistakes, some of us very bad ones. God’s forgiveness and grace is open to us all {{{ hugs}}} to Anna, it must be so difficult especially during a pregnancy!”

“It seems the right thing had been done when the incident occured. He admitted he was wrong and the authorities were notified so there was probably an investigation in which the disciplinary action was to seek counseling to which they probably believed was the best avenue to take to rehabilitate a 14 year old boy… I do not know this family personally, but I know the same God that this family loves and serves, and I believe my God can forgive and change any one. I will be praying for Josh and his family.”

5. The Duggars are still my heroes

“Thank you Duggar family for being a model of God’s love for us, of sin, redemption, and rebirth. I don’t know many people who don’t have regrets. I am thankful for my Savior who gives me so much more than I deserve. Your family is a light in a world that sometimes feels dark.”

“I pray for peace, the lord has forgiven your sins and he is all that matters. Do not pay attention to all of these people that will take any way to judge and criticize your family. You are still amazing people in my eyes and I look up to you and admire you.”

“Your family is such a blessing! The example you’ve shown with regard to Josh’s mistake is so admirable. I pray through this difficult season others will be blessed. Glory be to God!”

“Can’t imagine how hard this is on your family. Thanks for handling it with integrity and grace. This creates a great opportunity for parents to talk with their children and will bring healing to many.”

6. Um…it’s completely normal?

“You raised 19 children, suffered a miscarriage and one child strays. He fondled did not rape of molest. I bet 85% on families in the western world have had children explore each other. As one said, she read a book.. You took responsibility and dealt with it. So many parents bury it, or refuse to believe the incident happened. Bless you and your family. All who love you and all you love.Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.”

“He was 15 years old. That is still a kid. He’s not a pedophile, he was a kid that did inappropriate things with girls. How many people out there did the same thing as a child?”

Looking for more on the Duggar family? Try these:

This is the true face of the Duggar family. And it is ugly.

Another Duggar: Jessa Duggar is pregnant with her first child.

Michelle Duggar says that overpopulation is not accurate.


How are you feeling about Josh Duggar’s crimes?

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Top Comments

Lady Tenibor of House Valera 9 years ago

As a victim who was molested by another minor I can tell you that there was a lot more they could have done then of which they are not doing still and that is protecting the victims. Not one word has been mentioned by the parents or the perpetrators on what they did to protect and heal the victims. The scant iota of remorse is completely self-serving about how *he* would have messed up *his*future, not because what he'd done was indefensible or reprehensible. No mention of counseling for the victims, what steps were taken in the home to prevent him from having opportunities to repeat his behavior only about him and his mistakes in judgment (S) PLURAL that took place over a couple of years! He took it to the church? How about taking the girls to be checked by a doctor for physical trauma then to a therapist for the emotional trauma. Also his victims weren't just siblings, so how did the other parents handle the situation. Did they even know? Yes, kids explore. Yes, kids are curious. That behavior usually takes place at a much younger age and once you have the answer there shouldn't be the need to continue multiple times over the course of a few years! They didn't take him "to the police", they sought counsel from a family friend who opted to do nothing. Understand there is a gross difference between not having enough to proceed with a case or to take to the DA, but this guy didn't even handle it in a professional capacity. As it is he is currently in prison for child pornography so clearly a great friend and someone awesome to have around your kids. This was all about the image and still is.

jodieshep 9 years ago

Sorry but this kid was 15 when this happened. He himself was a minor. And it was never covered up. Sure, it wasn't reported to the MEDIA but it was reported to the police at the time. The police and the parents dealt with it. He admitted his crimes and those in authority in his life helped him AND the victims get help. I think the parents dealt with it extremely responsibly, perhaps because of their faith and their recognition of the seriousness of the situation. He told his future wife about it. How was this covered up? Just coz WE didn't know? This is how it works if the perpetrator is a minor, and so it should. I am appalled that these police reports were released to the media. Sure, this family are conservative Christians but I don't think it's a bad thing to realise they have the same struggles as everyone else in the world. I don't think they have ever said they didn't.

jodieshep 9 years ago

I've kind of changed my mind after seeing the actual police report...and yes I know that makes me hypocritical. It does seem that they didn't go to the police straight away but only when it came to light a few years afterwards. It also appears many of the victims were his sisters sadly. I'm not sure how I feel now. I understand the desire to keep things in the family or the church to some extent, I do believe the parents really felt they handled things the best way for the sake of all concerned. I guess my problem is the way they have continued to portray themselves through their TV show....continued to advise others on parenting....etc. etc. Sad really. Here is a link to the actual report for anyone wanting factual information. All names blacked out.

Velvet Page 9 years ago

It wasn't reported to the police at the time. It was reported to the police by someone uninvolved three and a half years later. But since the statute of limitations in Arkansas at that time was three years, the police couldn't charge him.