
A US talk show host's take down of Australia is actually kind of hilarious.

An American television show has taken aim at Australia in a rather hilarious fashion.

In the newest episode of his show Last Week Tonight, US-based comic John Oliver takes down Australia for giving Johnny Depp an ultimatum to remove his pooches from the country – or DIE.

Depp, who brought his two dogs into Australia illegally to film the new installment of Pirates of the Caribbean, was told by Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce last week the dogs would be euthanised if they weren’t taken home.

“It’s time that Pistol and Boo buggered off back to the United States,” the minister eloquently said.

The canine “illegal aliens” were subsequently flown back to the United States — but Australia is not safe from becoming the butt of John Oliver’s (admittedly amusing) jokes.

“I’m afraid that your minister has just made this personal. And America has no choice but to respond,” a menacing voiceover declares on Oliver’s show.

“Guess what? We have some demands of our own. You have 50 hours to get everything Australian out of our country or else.”

The segment goes on to provide a list of items to be thrown out of the US, including Vegemite, Silverchair, Midnight Oil, and Mel Gibson.

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The segment ends with a final threat: a countdown to the destruction of a teensy, adorably baby koala at an American zoo.

“You now have 49 hours and 59 minutes to get him out of here or we’ll shoot him in his adorable face,” the voice over says as it zooms in on the baby koala.

Well played, America. Well played.

More Johnny:

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Five things to kick out of Australia instead of Johnny Depp’s dogs.

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Top Comments

V! 9 years ago

Is anyone else sad that these dogs travel better than us? I'd put my dog down before paying for a private plane back to USA.

Laura Palmer 9 years ago

Yeah, even though I think Mr Joyce could have expressed himself a little more eloquently, I really don't think our strict quarantine laws should be bent for celebrities. We don't have rabies here because we are strict about this sort of thing, and I, for one, would like to keep it that way.