
The photos of these "ISIS babies" are devastating.

Warning: This post contains some disturbing images of children with weaponry. 

This has got to be one of the lowest social media tactics Islamic State has used so far.

The images of babies, as young as months old, flooding social media sites like Twitter to, presumably, gain sympathisers and exert power.

Can you imagine being born into a world where violence and destruction are your most integral values? Can you imagine being taught to hate before learning to speak?

That’s the reality for these children.

Here are some of the images of “ISIS babies”. Warning: viewer these images may distress some readers. (Posts continue after gallery):

Islamic State’s use of social media as a messaging tool has been at the forefront of their propaganda strategy. But it’s sickening to think that YouTube videos and Twitter, both now featuring children, are being used as an efficient way of exploiting innocence to gain a greater audience.

To politicise religion, leaders and causes is one thing.

But to manipulate a child’s  inability to fathom such a grotesque ideology is truly one of the greatest tragedies of our generations.

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Top Comments

Guest 10 years ago

While these images are shocking, the indoctrination of children in such ways is not new, nor is it restricted to ISIS. I remember reading about children being kidnapped in Sudan by rebels, to train them up as soldiers during the civil war. There are other examples as well and unfortunately these children become collateral damage in a war they do not understand themselves as they have no other education. That is why the Taliban are so against education, because once children are able to learn to think for themselves they are less willing to be recruited into these type of terrorist cells.

Marguerite Hoiby 10 years ago